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  1. After installing the Near Future Electrical - Decaying RTGs mod, RTG generation does not count towards the generated power, resulting in the inability to use BonVoyage
  2. Will you plan to add in the future? (Please) I have a Localized Realchute of myself made and Source Files.
  3. hello.I want to add Localization support for the mod,So that the mod supports other languages.If you can localize this mod, the translator and Player who provides the translation of this mod in other languages will be very grateful
  4. I add Thrust Curve and minthrust,curveresource in cfg of realfuel.
  5. By the way,The ThrustCurve is made of me.Has nothing to do with RO.
  6. thrustCurve of realfuel Can't take effect after adding this mods,Is there something wrong with this mod and realfuel?
  7. I'm have a question.The use of this mod with realfuel will disable the ignition Mechanism of the engine.Uninstall and then recover.
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