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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Despite the fun tone I was entirely serious--sail power fascinates me! And there really is no such game out there that I know of that's anywhere close to a true building/sim. Tempting to think of it a mod within the current KSP framework, but I'm not sure it's possible. Each sail is essentially a flexible airfoil, its characteristics changing as a function of such things as the degree of fill, angle to wind, sag due to gravity, tension on the sheets, etc, etc. You'd have to have some kind of finite element solver for each on. And I haven't even mentioned wind and wave...anyway, if such a game ever could be made, heck yeah I'd buy it
  2. Actually @kerbiloid solved it (And here is a message for you) but has not given a new code
  3. OK, second hint: each block is a word, not a letter.
  4. That would be no fun...as it happens, mine is neither unbreakable, nor a cipher
  5. Ah...nothing like a good old impossible challenge thread! Well, it only says spaceplane, it does not say SSTO. So, maybe you could get enough velocity in air to get out of the atmosphere, and then abuse reaction wheels to fling a small capsule the rest of the way. I seem to remember doing something like that a long, long time ago...
  6. Yeah, that's the problem with a game like this...there are very few Guidelines.
  7. Well me, I'd like a Kerbal Sail Program. One that modeled wind, weather, aero/hydrodynamic forces, rudder and sail controls as failthfully as KSP does for space physics--that is, mostly accurate, except where it isn't fun. Imagine building out your hull, adding masts--deciding whether to keep it simple, or go for broke and make a full-rigged three masted double-decker monster. Adding MOAR STAYS! when your brig gets dismasted in a stiff gale. Endless Forum threads on the hull speed formula...how close a lateen can lie to the wind compared to a square-rigger...how much ballast per square meter of sail is REALLY needed with such-and-such a keel shape, and why can't we have procedural rudders already?
  8. I actually tried that first, per TNG, and it didn't work. Trouble is that if I place them up high, in most poses the whole row of pips would be occluded by that danged helmet collar. I would have had to place the whole row where the 2nd pip is right now, which looked even worse in low-angle shots. So, I turned them vertical, so that you could at least see something in every shot, and if I ever needed you to see all the pips at once including the top one I would just lower the camera. And if you could only see the second pip you could still tell Melbe and Lisa apart, which on Intrepid is really the worst opportunity for visual confusion. (...though before you complain that only I remember that Lisa is a full looty and Melbe is a junior, remember that (1) I try to build out all these details to the point of satisfying anyone interested enough to look for them, whether or not such a person is out there...and I do think that there are such people out there, and (2) visual cues aren't the only way to communicate, y'all ) Anyway, it was at this point that I remembered how much I liked the uniforms in Wrath of Khan, so I added those white lines to represent the jacket closure, and in fact the pips did become buttons. Yes, there's also velcro in there, otherwise the poor enzins would be running around with their jackets open all the time
  9. No. It really isn't. Now, if you realize that and decide to go ahead anyway, you just might be a writer after all. May I offer you a link to this lovely thread where we talk about such things all the time?
  10. Yeah, good thing the Kerbulans don't have a Jeb... oh wait they do! Can Jeb Kermulan fly as well as Our Hero? You bet your sweet green bippy he can! Now, would he dive into an alien artifact to save his buddy? Um...do Kerbulans even know that word? Hm. Hmmmm!!!! ETA: Oh, and @Dman979, it occurred to me just now that those crew portraits in the last page give some fairly good looks at the various uniforms: Eng. Jr Looty Command Comder Air Service LtK Science Looty KSMC Sarjint Air Svc Kaptin Eng. Lt. Comder Sci. Lt. Comder Sci Jr. Looty Eng. Enzin Command Captin and Admiral in panel at far right. Not pictured: Fleet pilot Jr. Looty (captured, agonized)
  11. @Just Jim, @ZooNamedGames, it doesn't take a genius or a fanbase to write a storyline for KSP. Sorry. SQUAD could have done it six times over, if they'd wanted to. It could have mirrored a human space program, given the characters (like Gene and Wernher) who are already in it. It could have had to do with linking the monoliths and other anomalies in some kind of SETI, as I think was @NovaSilisko's baby back in the day. It could have been anything, really. I think what the OP really wants to know in this poll is whether or not any of the rest of us think the lack of a storyline is a bad thing. Me, I think it's a good thing, but opinions vary. And yeah, this question does come up all the time, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth talking about IMO.
  12. Jane, really like the design of that little spaceplane--however I think you may have more trouble than you expect with solar power in the Jool system. Remember, insolation drops off with the square of the distance from the sun, and Jool is quite distant. In addition, nights are very long on moons which are tidally locked to Jool. Also, eclipses happen with some frequency. Fun times! I think you can still make it down and up, though. Do you even need batteries for descent? I don't believe control surfaces use electricity--maybe enable SAS, if you need it, but turn off all the reaction wheels which do draw power. Once you get to the surface, unless you have some sort of time constraint it doesn't matter how long Val is down there recharging batteries and transmitting science. Then, ascend to orbit All my Jool landers do have at least one RTG stashed somewhere, for this reason. The mining shuttle has six large fuel cell banks as well, and the carrier has a couple of fission reactors ( a mod) to provide power for the life support system (also a mod). I remember doing a calculation at one point for how many Gigantors I'd need if I was going to do it all on solar--the ship would have ended up looking more like a man o' war in full sail
  13. 1.5:8 1.1:9 3.1:12 1.5:1 2.1:3 4.1:7 3.2:5
  14. I would not like a story option. I have completed career mode a few times. When I finished, I wished there was a story to follow, so I made one. I'm still telling it.
  15. Well that's some ship--'symmetry, shmimmetry' I always say! I presume that the bathtub isn't actually filled with water, the ship being in orbit and all. Maybe that's why Val is wearing her EVA suit: I'm guessing the water is actually in the suit, with enough air pressure in the helmet to force it down so she can breathe...the tub is just there to remind the kerbonaut of comfy baths back home.
  16. Canonically I have only referred to Kerbals, Kerbulans, and "fair Joolish ladies". Unless one counts Jeb being called a "munatic" every now and then.
  17. And it looks great! Presuming Kerbfleet survives their present difficulties, I'm thinking I can make good use of these parts for what comes next. Already designing a dark green Fleet uniform and balding Kerbal head to go with the EMH
  18. Lol yeah, that's a composite... but all four Gliidos are up there legit, it was just a lot easier doing it that way than to worry about them drifting out of the shot. Those Gliidos, by the way, are The 7LR variant which has an extra short LF section rather than the 4-kerb crew compartment found on the 7P. So, they've got a lot left in the tanks for whatever comes next.
  19. Just to let you all know I've now updated the OP with a link to the complete Imgur album for Chapter 17. I normally do this a few days after a chapter closes, without fanfare...but I think that reading this particular chapter all at once might be quite a different experience from seeing it come 2-3 pages at a time, with a few days' worth of comments in between, as originally posted on the thread. Hope you enjoy
  20. They're really just... whatever these are. Looks like something to do with the catapults.
  21. I was wondering when someone would comment on that. I knew it would be you. And I think you know exactly what Jimmy made those windows out of, and how useful such a material would be if Kerbfleet ever wanted to make a space aquarium. I have considered all that...it's a fair point, and for me it was a tough decision. I do have an in-universe explanation, but yeah I admit that in this particular case it all really comes down to-- --that is, until we get to the appropriate point to demonstrate that Status Quo is God. Until then, trust Kuzzter! ...wait, what do you mean that isn't a real link? Air Service pilots (like Jeb) and Fleet pilots (like Kenlie) have always used the same yellow speech balloon. I don't want to go there again, but it has long been established that Kerbfleet comics follow in-game physics and not those of our universe--thus, such orbits are stable, as are those of the Joolian moons.
  22. Must disagree; if humans are one thing it's endurance runners. In fact, with a bit of training, the average 40-something cavalry-hatted human comics author can cover about 42 km at an average speed of approximately 3.3 m/s (sample size of one...that is, if I did the math right...) Then again I wasn't carrying enough gear with me to mass 94 kilos, nor was I wearing a full body pressure suit... so yeah, all props to the kerbals on running.
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