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Publius Kerman

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  1. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1in7e0wnhhkcjk913t6gl/KSP_log.zip?rlkey=m71f7c493qlmvnkb27wv4icz5&dl=0 P.S. I totally forgot about SMURFF, will use in custom RSS install. Thx a ton
  2. Do you get a B9PartSwitch "supplies" warning when you have BDB and Kerbalism installed, and if so do you just ignore it; or do you have a custom patch to make them work?
  3. I've got a few question and please don't take this wrong way, I by no means am asking as to be insulting. I am also a bit new to the modding scene, so please also excuse my lack of knowledge. How is scaling done in BDB and what size Universe are the default parts scaled? I see no RSS MM patches in the BDB Compatibility folder, does this mean the default scaling for BDB is RSS size or are the parts scaled by RO, because I can't find RSS patches for BDB? If BDB isn't scaled to RSS, does that mean any install with RSS and not RO have terribly under powered engines? Lastly, why wouldn't you just divide the values for performance by 1/9th the real life counterparts and make those the default values for the parts and then add MM patches in the Compatibility folder for JNSQ(multiply by 2.7 on said performance values) and RSS(again just multiply by scale) and one for 2.5 if using Rescale, or conversely make MM patches that have those values divided for Stock with MM exclusions for any mod that resizes the Universe. This way your parts would be perfectly balanced no matter what size universe is being used. I love your parts, and would absolutely be using them over FASA in any custom mod install if they scaled correctly. P.S. That X-15 looks great, can't wait.
  4. Well I've done all that and still have this pop up. I also have mission training turned off.
  5. I get that, but it's the only branch visible on the github with a SpaceDock page pointing to source code for 0.3PRE, which is what made it confusing. I thought Spacedock just wasn't updated yet.
  6. The one currently on github, unless master is a dev branch, I wasn't sure because the SpaceDock has 0.3PRE version but the source code link goes to the github where there is a newer version with the WarbirdsCockpits moved from Galen to GameData. Either way, on the master branch most of the cockpits work but for some reason the X-1 seat seems to be in the wrong place. When I install just Warbirds and, all decencies and recommendations that make the mod fully functional, it will load the X-1 cockpit IVA with portrait, but the background is super dark and nothing behind him and the first person puts you facing the ground and head forward inside the mesh. When installed with Reviva the regular AP+ X-1 IVA will load but as soon as you switch to Warbirds IVA the portrait goes away and all IVA's get disabled until new/revert flight. I opened an issue on the Warbirds github and posted logs. https://github.com/theonegalen/WarbirdCockpits/issues/4
  7. Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm using the old Warbirds Cockpits, the last one Galen released, because the newest version doesn't seem to work for me even on a clean install with only WC, Reviva, and a couple of other IVA packs supported by Reviva to test Reviva support. @JonnyOThan I'm working on getting you some logs for that as well. I also added possible solution to the Reviva github issue.
  8. Yeah sure, and thank you! I've been doing some digging and it seems related to how they added their x-15 and x-1 cockpits into the game by cloning the the Mk1 and Mk1inline and then swaping the cockpit internals and giving the mk1CockpitInternal to their X-1(modified AP+ x1cockpit), example in spoiler. I've also noticed a pattern, it seems like any of the MAS MFD's or HUD works(think it's the MAS one, the one in DE and RPM but not ASET or KSA) Including the MAS MFD in the "DE + MAS" cockpits which along with the HUD still work while nothing else does. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dtkup0tr9n30whqsr1sp3/h?rlkey=5idlxf4uj250403l55noozbam&dl=0 Will also try to attach to github
  9. Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but the RO/RP-1 X-1 cockpit is it's own part which doesn't point to the x-1 cockpit from AP+. It's cfg internals points to the mk.1 cockpit. I'm not sure if it's what's causing my issues but I don't have any of the X-1 cockpits available Reviva, which is understandable, and the lights and some of the instruments don't seem to work. Not sure if this mix up is causing the lights and instrument issue or not, still doing research and testing, pics and logs to follow.
  10. I know this is a complicated question for using your mod in ways it's not meant to be and so might not have an easily attainable answer or be possible at all, so please don't stress trying to figure this out, but any help would be much appreciated. I'm trying to use your mod and Simplex Kerbalism, and take them interstellar. This is presenting many challenges, one of them is decontamination. I know there is a setting to decontaminate while not at KSC, which is a fall back, but I'm trying to get the RDU to work with Kerbal Health. I essentially want to make it so that it's still difficult to decontaminate and can't be done anywhere willy nilly, but still able to go interstellar and never return. I'm working on a heavily modified Sickbay.cfg for the Hitchhiker RDU right now because it isn't in Simplex. I was looking at your Kerbalism patches and I'm guessing you have your own coded decontamination feature and if so what do you think would be the best way to get the RDU to jack into it to act as if they were at the KSC. Edit: Disregard, found solution.
  11. I can't for the life of me get the texture to load. Edit: Using version 2 on the space dock before the bitmap texture was added seemed to work.
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