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Everything posted by Av8tor8a

  1. why don't the cargo bays have a wide flatbed variant? In the OG, there were wide flatbeds, so why not do something similar for the existing cargo beds here?
  2. I almost forgot TURD existed, I'll definitely give it a shot.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has any good stockalike textures for procedural parts that fits nicely with Procedural wings (and, of course, stock parts)
  4. I do have some more ideas for anyone wanting to create such a mod. I was thinking of trimaran, catamaran, flare, and tumblehome vessel parts. Preferably, these parts should be scalable as there really isn't a requirement for size in contrast to the LHA and LCU parts previously mentioned. I'm not talking about Tweakscale support, (though that is a valid alternative) but an actual scaling system for these parts imbedded into the code that does not need Tweakscale as a dependency. I wouldn't be mad if there wasn't such a thing in such a mod, but it would be nice. Lastly, I had my mind on dinghy parts, and similarly to the LHA and LCU parts, these would need to be limited in size. I was thinking, if dinghy parts were ever in a mod like this, that the hull would have enough room for at least five Kerbals and a protective windshield. Unlike any of the previously mentioned parts, however, there wouldn't need to be a dedicated, enclosed part to act as a bridge or island.
  5. I believe that would be the case if you're talking about it as a separate part. I was thinking of a legitimate variant similar to what is available to the AWACS radar. I imagine someone would need to get approval to incorporate a variant of a part not present in their mod, but I could be mistaken. Thank you. But why wouldn't it appear on the Oerlikon?
  6. I was mostly thinking of some sort of Pilatus, though a Cessna or even a Piper type of cockpit would work.
  7. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to develop a ship parts mod with stockalike textures. Primarily, I'm looking a hull with a well deck large enough and buoyant enough to hold the largest tank in the game, an appropriately sized bridge/island, an engine and rudder strong enough to move the craft along, and anything else needed for an amphibious assault ship. I'm also looking for a smaller hull that fits within the well deck mentioned above with a bed and ramp capable of supporting medium or large tanks, a suitable bridge, an engine and rudder to maneuver the assembly, along with anything else required for a landing craft. I wouldn't mind parts for other types of vessels, but I'd really like the above parts for craft along the lines of LHAs and LCUs.
  8. Is there any chance a tandem seat trainer cockpit that follows the same black/yellow pattern of the turboprop could be added?
  9. I was wondering if a cleaner variant of the open cockpit be added. I know it doesn't fit the part description, but having a taped-together, paint-scratched cockpit in a craft with no other parts in such condition looks a little odd. Unrelated, but is there a way to get rid of this? I don't know why it shows, and why it doesn't appear to show with the Oerlikon, https://imgur.com/a/VT2hxmh
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