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  1. Kerbalism Science Expanded - v0.1 Created by MIND BULL3TS, based on work by hermano with help from roadwarrior9's Kerbalism Lab Experiments Expanded What this mod does - Converts stock science experiments in supported mod parts to the Duration/Data/Processing system provided by Kerbalism The end goal - a comprehensive compatibility package to convert as many modded parts with stock science experiments over to the duration/data/processing driven system provided by Kerbalism. Included so far - Kerbalism Science Compatibility for: DockingCamKURS - Basic preliminary test support for DockingCamKURS's 'Onboard Camera' part Github
  2. Hey! I was inspired by this patch to try my hand at patching some other modded parts stuck with the Stock science system in my Kerbalism playthrough. Ended up putting a repo together to start working on a little comprehensive package for the community. i'd like to include your patch here for interkosmos if you wouldn't mind. https://github.com/MIND-BULL3TS/Kerbalism-Science-Expanded
  3. Any way for me to correct compatibility with certain modded engines? Trying to set SMA on a newly built satellite and the mod is reporting insufficient fuel to make a >1m/s adjustment to an orbit when i have over 200m/s of dV. Using a modded engine, the "Eddie" 125 LF/OX Engine.
  4. Great work! Excited to see this guide come together! Hopefully it will lead to many more IVA contributions!
  5. Don't worry my friend, you arent alone... I 've only just arrived but I am getting my workflow setup to start working on some new additions to the Felota project! I am personally after getting RCA and a couple other smaller mods compatible to get my feet wet, but then I would be happy to start working on these requests as well!
  6. Please Help! I promise I tried my best to troubleshoot this on my own before coming here for support. I am having a failure to initialize MAS upon entering any MAS enabled IVA. Including a generic prompt to 'check the message log', I combed through the player.log to the best of my ability but all I could locate was a cascading failure to configure most of the related MAS props. Just not sure how to locate the probable cause. Player.Log https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j7yboql84faihbmwg6ltb/Player.log?rlkey=2bk0g0d1x8ev27ryfv2r48vco&st=meh5c2ga&dl=0 Its a pretty heavy modlist I know, but most everything is working so well! Im so close to the heralded 'PERFECT MODLIST' XD XD (Also if you see any glaring conflicts I missed or holes i need to fill in the list please shout it out!) MODLIST I don't know if its related, but my CKAN is acting a little funny too, constantly wanting to update all of the mods that have had their miniAVC pruned Thank you all in advance for your help! -MIND BULL3TS P.S. I also am planning to develop MAS enabled IVAs for existing modded cockpits soon, so I really need to have MAS working there XD
  7. I love RLA Reborn and was just diving into this exact thing! First time making a VABO config pack but Im guessing reverse engineering the existing sheepdog configs should work right?!
  8. Guys!!! We all can work on creating these configs rather than coming in here and asking for certain mods to be made compatible. XD XD XD I personally am going to start working on a TURD for RLA and KAX!
  9. How difficult would it be to create compatibility for other fuels such as Real Fuels? I was a sad panda when I realized my monoprop guage would always read 0 when I use something other than mono for propellant... I would gladly create the artwork for new gauges for all of the fuels in Real Fuels if this was something we could do.
  10. The prop engine in the screenshot i included above is from KAX Kerbal Aircraft Expansion, i can confirm shine fix being the 'culprit' after the reflectivity was corrected after removing it. Thanks again for your hard work! Kerbal Aircraft Expansion: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX https://spacedock.info/mod/2150/KAX
  11. Loving the Shine Fix, but am I correct in assuming this may be a conflict happening with KAX? Ultrashiney Engines and Props with distorted reflections. Keep up the good work! https://imgur.com/a/7Joi8vy
  12. I know im doing something wrong here because I've seen screenshots of other's KSC with no issue. The grass along the edges of the structures and roads is supposed to match the base grass texture correct?
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