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Eclipse 32

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Everything posted by Eclipse 32

  1. AAGGHHH *starts attempting necromancy spells on the topic*
  2. bug report! for the large centrifuges(the Mercury and the lab one, blanking on it's name), when you bind rotation to an action group, when you trigger the group, nothing happens. haven't tested the smaller ones yet.
  3. anything to report? I'd enjoy it if you gave updates.
  4. having MJ do the flying rn, hyperjumped the ship into a solar orbit, undergoing a 5KM/S BURN rn, with far too few nuclear drives.
  5. transfer burn delayed, will burn today quick question, is 7km/s of dV enough to get to moho? never been to Moho, so idk the dV requirements
  6. just built the Moho lander, transfer burn later tonight
  7. MISSION REPORT by Eclipse, KSC resident Dragon Reporter The shakedown cruise has been completed! the trip was about two weeks in length, most of which was spent on transit between Kerbin and Minmus. we inserted into a high circular Minmus orbit, orbited once, then left orbit back for Kerbin. the rendezvous with Kerbin Station will be happening soon. we are in orbit about a hundred km above the station, and will be lowering orbit to intercept. more reports to follow. -your local Dragon reporter, Eclipse, signing off.
  8. i meant the file size for uploading files.
  9. with some pistons and hinges you could make a respectable Phoenix(the first star trek warp vessel)!
  10. @Vanamonde, can you make it so that we can have profile images larger than 256kB? that's kinda really small for a profile pic. even 1MB(i think that's 1000kB, correct me if i'm wrong) would do. i have a holiday PFP i'm trying to upload and it's 900-some KB.
  11. i figured it out, turns out i was being dum(i haven't installed new mods in like two years)
  12. i figured it out, turns out i was being dum(i haven't installed new mods in like two years) also, the Leto cargo module, paired with the Atreides module made me flipping laugh.(i watched Dune recently)
  13. MISSION REPORT Today, the KSP, with Eclipse Aerospace Industries, launched Kerbin Station, the largest station ever launched by kerbalkind. it is the prototype for other stations that will be posted around the star system. The KSP also launched the prototype interplanetary colony ship, the U.S.S Dragonheart. the crew of the Dragonheart is preparing for a shakedown cruise to Minmus and back. they will leave LKO later today or tomorrow. after preforming a flyby of Minmus, the Dragonheart will rendezvous with Kerbin Station, and wait for the MK. 2 Dragonheart to come up from the KSC. the next version will be capable of interplanetary travel. it's first mission will be to preform a shakedown to Moho, with a lander to be tested. upon their return, the MK. 3 Dragonheart should be waiting with everything they'll need to be the first kerbals to explore the solar system in it's entirety. -your local Dragon reporter, Eclipse, signing off.
  14. attempting to install SSPXr on the latest Ubuntu Linux and i cant figure out which file to run, or HOW to run it.(i'm dum) pls help, this is my first time using CKAN.
  15. really, please help me, i can't understand the files or where they should go
  16. i once touched water and got yeeted at 3 km/s for no apparent reason. the craft very quickly ceased to exist.
  17. yeah, did a bit of testing, and it sucked
  18. no, not even in sandbox, and @JonnyOThan, i can't figure it out. i will be figuring it out myself later today.
  19. it HAS been done, you have to hit the sun at about lightspeed. link to someone who has done it: https://kerbalx.com/He_162/Lightspeed-craft-glitch
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