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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. Actually at the point when you are doing those contracts you would probably be pretty late into your save, so it would make sense that there are probe repair contracts.
  2. that's true, never thought about that, I like that idea
  3. Yes contracts would be awesome, probably a story, that sounds neat you should do like some of the probe fixing contracts
  4. Thanks for the idea; Will probably do that, haven't thought about the binary ring, that sound like it would be pretty fun to make and look nice
  5. I will get better screenshots soon, including the Vessel in that screenshot
  6. I might release once I finish the Poly system, hopefully in a few weeks if not next week its not completely finished yet, I need to revamp some gas giant textures and some rings
  7. https://imgur.com/a/kargatua-poly-centuri-rv7iuRY for screen shot of melvin
  8. I wanted to see how hard it is to get there without the alt-f12 menu, but yeah that's a good idea
  9. I am making a intergalactic space craft to take some real cool screenshots
  10. I will hopefully have screenshots this weekend
  11. Have you ever thought about using the 7.5 meter cargo bays from near future launch vehicles for like a superheavy SSTO?
  12. ok thanks that would help a lot, I am rewriting the code for it but any help would be amazing, it happened after I changed coding software. thanks
  13. Hello everyone, I am kinda new to the forums and modding and am currently working a a planet pack. The mod
  14. how do you come up with all of the space plane designs? I really like them, awesome content by the way.
  15. Kargatua: Poly Centuri for more info, screenshots, and dev news, please click here If anyone wants to help with science Def's, I am open stuff to look for in the next update (1.0) Planned futures, Dependencies (So Far) Kopernicus Singularity What I am working on Features that will be in the next few updates (guaranteed) Download here thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for space dock https://spacedock.info/mod/3770/Kargatua: Poly Centauri Planed planets I am relatively new to modding, so this probably won't be the best Current Features; Thanks to @Sushut for YouTube tutorials, thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for Help with troubleshooting and Flars New texture, thanks to @SQUAD for reasons that I hope doesn't need explaining, and thanks to @blackrack for the amazing mod singularity, without that mod I could not play with black holes.
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