Kargatua: Poly Centuri
for more info, screenshots, and dev news, please click here
If anyone wants to help with science Def's, I am open
stuff to look for in the next updates (0.5 and 1.0)
Planned futures,
Dependencies (So Far)
What I am working on
Features that will be in the next few updates (guaranteed)
Download here
thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for space dock https://spacedock.info/mod/3770/Kargatua: Poly Centauri
Planed planets
I am relatively new to modding, so this probably won't be the best
Current Features;
Thanks to @Sushut for YouTube tutorials, thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for Help with troubleshooting and Flars New texture, thanks to @SQUAD for reasons that I hope doesn't need explaining, and thanks to @blackrack for the amazing mod singularity, without that mod I could not play with black holes.