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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Yes, they closed down a while back. Unfortunate.
  2. Please talk about the mod that is the subject of this thread, because the policies regarding thread closures are off-topic here.
  3. Vanamonde


    Moderators are like traffic cops, but for the forum. We help keep things orderly and polite.
  4. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  5. A lot of players forget how much fun small craft can be, and how much they can do.
  6. @DarkOwl57, Sal deserves lots of threads, but for practical reasons we'll keep it to the two we already have. Yours has been merged into the main one.
  7. Are you using the atmosphere to help decelerate? Passing through it at the right altitude will drain off a great deal of speed, though it will also expose the ship to some heating. Heat shields might be necessary. Hit quicksave as you approach and try different altitudes until you get one that works. But if you do want to add range to your ship, either trim mass from the final stages or added fuel and possibly engines to the launch stage. Sorry, I do not have an example ship to share, and no harm done posting in Tutorials, since I moved it for you.
  8. Move along, please. There's no need to sidetrack the thread with an argument about what does or does not constitute a "rocket" and a "powered landing."
  9. Vanamonde


    Here's how it goes: Rank Number of dots Post count Newbie 1 0 Bottle Rocketeer 2 5 Rocketeer 2 25 Rocketry Enthusiast 2 50 Spacecraft Engineer 3 100 Sr. Spacecraft Engineer 3 250 Junior Rocket Scientist 4 500 Rocket Scientist 4 750 Senior Rocket Scientist 4 1000 Capsule Communicator 5 1500 Flight Director 5 3000 You "rank up" as your post count increases.
  10. Still more posts removed. Any further posts in this thread which are not about this mod, or any more posts debating updating this mod, will receive warns. It will be updated when and if the mod maker gets around to it.
  11. Your thread has been moved to Modded Support, where someone better qualified than myself might be able to give you some useful feedback.
  12. Overlapping threads have been merged, to keep the info all in one place.
  13. Seriously, guys. Keep it polite or we will have to start giving out warns.
  14. Drag and heat have been tinkered with in the last version or two, making re-entry less hazardous than it was for a while. If you want, though, when starting a new save you can customize the difficulty options and increase e-entry heat to make it more like it used to be. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum , and your question has been moved to the Gameplay Questions subforum.
  15. Some posts have been removed from this thread or edited. As always, guys, allow mod-makers to update at their own pace. They are not obligated to keep a schedule, and you do not know what life issues or other problems might be slowing them down.
  16. It is with sad feelings for ourselves but happy thoughts for him that we must announce that our Sal_vager is leaving Squad and the forum. He's set forth on an adventure to explore Europe and Asia, and hasn't decided yet where he will settle down when his roaming ends. Some of you know Sal_vager as one of the forum's more active moderators. Some of you know him as a helpful person who is good at diagnosing problems players are having with the game's software, and giving advice for fixes and workarounds. Some of you know him as one of the QA testers who helps find, diagnose, and fix game bugs for Squad. Many of you will recognize him as the guy who collects and posts Threads of the Month. But those are only his most visible roles. Some of you who look more closely will have noticed that he's also one of our forum admins who finds and fixes problems with the forum software. He collected the Common Suggestions thread. He wrote the Challenge Submission Guide. He wrote the Good Conduct Guide. And several other helpful stickies and announcements. But what the public cannot see is that Sal_vager has also been one of our most senior and most dedicated moderators since the early days of the forum. He's the guy who recruited many members of the moderation team, and taught us how to moderate, and he frequently started discussions within the team about how we can better serve the community. He has maintained, updated, and just plain personally written a significant proportion of the forum rules. He's been our institutional memory of what has already been tried and worked or didn't work. When we moderators disagreed among ourselves, Sal was the tie-breaker. He was the experienced old hand to whom we handed off our thorniest moderation issues, knowing he'd come back to us with advice and/or a ruling which made sense and was in the interests of the community. We always knew that when things got bad on the forum, he had our backs. It's no exaggeration to say that when Sal_vager leaves, it will take three or four of us to keep up with all that he has been doing by himself. And as for myself personally, Sal_vager was the person who good-naturedly bugged and cajoled me into joining the moderation team. I am not a very assertive person and I'm troubled by clashes and confrontations, so I was resistant to the idea of being a moderator. But after Sal dragged me, kicking and screaming, onto the team, it has turned out to be one of the best experiences I've ever had. Helping on the forum has been one of my primary pastimes for the last three years, and the other moderators have become a circle of friends with whom I chat and joke every day. And one of those friends is Sal_vager, who I have bugged with questions, argued with, teased, and played games with. I personally will miss you terribly, Sal, and the KSP forum will never be the same without you, but you've made this a better place, and we wish you well as you head off to new adventures. In recognition of your efforts here, though, your name will not be removed from the list of moderators. You will remain an honorary moderator as long as this forum exists. I can't bring myself to say goodbye, so instead I will say have fun and be safe on your travels. We look forward to updates on your adventures, when you can send them. The world can be a better place, if we make it be one. -- Sal_vager
  17. Next step: sending your space probe to space?
  18. This thread has been moved out of Tutorials, since it is seeking help rather than offering it. jebidiah34, can you tell us what sort of trouble you're having? If you can get to Duna, Eve should actually be easier because its SOI is a bigger target and its atmosphere lends you more braking power. It really is almost as simple as doing the exit burn over the morning side of Kerbin rather than the evening side.
  19. [Hold on. I'm told I was mis-informed.] Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  20. You mean the options for text color and background? If so, click on those edit buttons and then "more colors." You will find a rainbow selection of hues!
  21. Some tidying up has been done in this thread. There's no need to be rude to each other on our friendly little game forum.
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