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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. We know everybody likes to start a new thread with his/her own excited opinion on announcements like this. But when each person starts his/her own feedback thread, forum traffic gets hectic and there tends to be a great deal of discussion repeated and scattered among mutliple threads. So for the next few days we will be merging most opinions, discussions, and questions about this subject into this master thread. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  2. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development. Personally, I would like the sunspots to be changing and animated. Nothing fancy. Just not the same all the time.
  3. It sounds like you're working on modding the game yourself rather than suggesting something for the stock game, and so your thread has been moved to add-on development. Have fun with it.
  4. This seems like a support-style question. And so, moved to Support.
  5. Hi EccentricTea and welcome to the forum. Your thread has been moved to the Fan Works area, where you will find and be found by several other people who have worked on similar projects. Good luck with it.
  6. Back off of the tempers, please. We're all friends here.
  7. Hey One, I got this game 4.5 years ago, and it is fun, and I have made many silly things here. Cheers back.
  8. I'm told that this is a dodgey piece of software which can cause some people problems. Are you sure it's on the up and up?
  9. I'd suggest messaging the Youtube account holder.
  10. Duna/Ike is one of the more scenic parts of the game's solar system.
  11. @Munbro Kerman, was that made possible by a visual effects mod? Because I haven't seen anything that wasn't already in my current SOI for several game versions.
  12. The mic is one, but the audience was off. But we're here now. Welcome to the forum.
  13. Congratulations. Now find the other two.
  14. Thread moved to modded support, since it's not actually gameplay. Good luck.
  15. Well, welcome to the forum anyway.
  16. Howdy, A.I. Commander. Welcome to the forum. This is my pretend company.
  17. Re-welcome to the forum, StinkyAce. But it seems you already have an account here. Was there some problem accessing it? At any rate, each person can have only one account. so please let us know which name you'd like to stick with and we will merge the accounts.
  18. Everybody will get the same KSP software, but will be able to choose the language in which the information in the game is presented.
  19. GDJ, it's one of those computer/sofware terms which no longer means what it literally says. In short, "localization" means creating a version of the game where all the text and info has been converted into another language, the "local" language, so more people can understand and play it. The next issue of KSP will have Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish versions.
  20. As this thread is about another game, it has been moved to the off-topic Lounge.
  21. Thank you for bringing this up, @Tyko, but we already have a thread for it. Merged.
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