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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. You can get one of the mods which allow you to change the contents of an already-installed fuel tank.
  2. Your question has been moved to its own thread, @EpicSpaceTravel, so it doesn't get mixed up with old information. Rather than use an URL someone might change, I'd suggest copying the pic you want to your PC, then uploading it to your profile on our forum.
  3. I don't think they care, as long as you don't use copyrighted images or other content. But let's get an official answer from @Badie.
  4. Photobucket, Postimage, and a number of others offer free image hosting, StupidAndy. Just copy their link into your posts.
  5. Some posts have been edited or removed from this thread. Please try to be civil to each other.
  6. Yeah, this is the same argument we had the last time. 'The operator cannot influence the performance of the operated', refusing to understand that it's not a literal alteration of the engine properties, but a simple way to represent more efficient piloting skills. I'm out.
  7. Do all race drivers use the same amount of fuel and put the same amount of tire wear on their cars as they go around the same track?
  8. To repeat: this the hype train thread. Negativity is off-topic here. Please take it to other parts of the forum. Thread pruned again.
  9. By this reasoning, engineers should not make mining equipment more productive because it's the machine doing the work in either case, and science instruments should not be more revelatory just because a scientist is present when they are turned on.
  10. @KingGamma, your question has been merged into the thread for this mod. Good luck with it.
  11. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works. Welcome to the forum, @Avery616
  12. Go to your profile, and you should see a posting box right below the header. Write in it and hit submit.
  13. I am sleepy. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Starhelperdude


      this is a necro but yeah, I'm sleepy too

    3. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Im sleepy too. 

    4. Vanamonde


      We're all sleepy! \o/ 

  14. Got it, @Laythe Squid. And welcome to the forum.
  15. Common occurence, but still scenic. I like them.
  16. Some posts have been removed from this thread. This is they Hypetrain. If you don't want to he hyped, fine, but don't rain on everybody else's parade.
  17. Some cranky personal opinion follows; not speaking as a moderator. It was actually the original intention for a skilled pilot to be able to operate the vehicle more efficiently, as simulated by an increase in ISP. It was dropped because the adherents of strict realism went absolutely bonkers on the forum, insisting that the operator of a vehicle could not alter the fuel efficiency of its engines. They would not accept that the ISP change would only be a simplified representation of better steering and operation. In fact, they made such a fuss that the concept was dropped, so that was the end of that idea.
  18. Yes, please prove it can be done yourself before asking others to do it. There's nothing wrong with asking if it's possible, but that's not a challenge.
  19. The lower you are the faster you are moving, and so the larger the relative motions will be at the time of rendezvous. Meet-ups at lower altitudes happen faster and require stronger burns, so higher is easier. But not a lot easier unless you go for a really high orbit, which may not be worthwhile.
  20. Drag was reworked fairly recently. Might have something to do with your issue, depending on the shape of your craft.
  21. This question about playing the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions. Unfortunately, I do not play through Steam, and so don't know the answer. Which badge were you trying for? Oh, I see you figured it out. Nevermind.
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