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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. @YYNY, all new members must have their first few posts approved by a moderator before they are publicly displayed. It's an anti-spambot measure. You will soon leave that probationary status behind you.
  2. No pictures? That's half the fun of accomplishing something in KSP. Welcome to the forum, daxm.
  3. And shame on the rest of us for not greeting you for 11 hours. Let's work on that response time, people. Hello, DaMavster.
  4. Your name has been changed, JakGamingKSP. You may need to log in again using the new name.
  5. Some posts have been moved to the Hype Train thread. And people, just because they are Squad staff doesn't mean you can be rude to them. The forum rules about civility apply no matter who you're talking to.
  6. Moved to Science. Because real.
  7. Overlapping threads have been merged. Perhaps we've developed a bug of some sort? @sal_vager?
  8. Congratulations. Nice feeling, isn't it? Also, moved to Mission Reports.
  9. Removed some posts from this thread. Can we please just appreciate what hazard-ish did without comparing it to others? Even without all the big stuff, that first landing on Mun without tipping over is impressive.
  10. Since this seems to be a support issue, the thread has been moved.
  11. Welcome to our nice community, Ozelui.
  12. An off-topic announcement has been removed from this thread. The OP sets the rules of a challenge. If you don't like the rules, don't participate. Or, start your own challenge with different rules. But no one has the right to tell the OP how his/her challenge should work.
  13. Moderators are volunteers who help out as and when they are available. There's no set schedule, no activity requirements, though you may be dropped from the rolls if you are persistently inactive. One must be over 18 for the sake of legally accepting the Non-Disclosure Agreement, which means you do not reveal any private user information nor repeat any information from Squad which they would rather keep internal. ***This is not a legal explanation of the NDA, but a quick summary.*** Badie may want to add something to this, but those are the basics.
  14. I have never encountered this. @sal_vager? @Red Iron Crown?
  15. This won't work. Craft in very low orbits will be auto-deleted, because while "on rails" (not the currently operated craft), they will be assumed to have hit terrain. Before posting a challenge, please make sure it is possible by performing the feat yourself. Since this one is not, the thread will be closed now.
  16. This discussion has been split from another thread. @KnutG, there are two questions there, Firstly, we are not seeking German and French moderators because we already have some. Separate issue: the languages which were selected to get their own subforums were chosen on the basis of the number of KSP players who speak those languages.
  17. Hi. I am also following this forum, and frequently find good stuff here. Welcome aboard.
  18. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Modders are volunteers who work at their own pace, and they do not owe anyone explanations or timetables.
  19. The parts of the forum you frequent isn't relevant. I myself hardly ever go to the modding subs, since I prefer to play stock and so am not very familiar with the questions and situations which can arise there, which is alright since there are several moderators who are heavily into mods and very familiar with that kind of thing. So as always, the requirements are 1) over 18, 2) fairly clean warn history, 3) helpful attitude, 4) good communicator.
  20. We moderators are forum members as well.
  21. The number of KSP players who speak a certain language determines whether or not that language gets a dedicated subforum, and we already have moderators who are fluent in German and French.
  22. Since this question is actually about mod use, the thread has been moved to modded support.
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