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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Your feedback has been merged into the main thread, @Sonny_Jim.
  2. This sharing of craft (for such it will turn out to be) has been moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  3. Okay, people. Putting each other on trial and taking on roles such as prosecutors and whatnot is getting into roleplay, which this forum has had to ban because of the bitter arguments which result. You'll need to take that sort of thing elsewhere.
  4. I didn't mean your suggestion was not a good idea, esinohio. What I am saying is that while this forum and the Steam forum are both about KSP, we are entirely separate and a suggestion about the Steam forum here will not reach the people over there.
  5. Since this thread is not itself a challenge, it has been moved to Suggestions.
  6. It all gets set right in the end, WinkAllKerb'', but has to do with when the posts arrive and, uh, technical stuff that we can't fix faster than it would sort itself out anyway.
  7. This would be a point to bring up with the good folks at Steam. We are not affiliated with them.
  8. It's true, @Pawelk198604, but no release date has been set yet. See the accouncements. Meanwhile, your thread has been merged into the master discussion thread.
  9. Oh, shoot. I saw this post earlier and thought I had answered already. Anyway, welcome to the forum, hedgey579.
  10. No need to accuse each other of duplicity. We are all friends here.
  11. Some of Squad's earliest hires were modders, and a significant proportion of the team has always been recruited from modders. There's nothing new about that. "Constantly"?
  12. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay questions.
  13. The imgur link which works best is the BBCode one. Meanwhile, thread moved to Kerbal Network since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  14. Interesting idea for a thread. Few players spend much time exploring the home planet.
  15. Go to the attached vessel and r-click its control part. Change its vehicle type to one you normally have turned off in map view. It will still exist, but you won't see it anymore.
  16. Yes, the foreign versions have some flaws. They really should have done a pre-release so people could help with that. Oh, wait...
  17. Moderators are here to enforce rules and keep the forum friendly and polite. Sometimes that means warning posts and people we agree with, or even find humorous. It's not personal. Also, this thread has been merged into Ask a Mod, since there's starting to be some overlap and repetition.
  18. Happy indeed. Also, moved to The Lounge, since it's not actually about KSP.
  19. Everybody should play stock for a while at first because it avoids confusion about things like, "What turned all my planets bright yellow?" and "Why are my Kerbals starving to death?" A great many newbies make learning the game a lot harder than it already is by cluttering the experience with bugs and features arising from mod use.
  20. Points normally expire over time, but if you get up to 25 current points, you're banned. Or if you do something especially bad, you can get banned even if you have no points up to that time.
  21. Please don't attack each other, people. There's no need to get angry about this sort of thing.
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