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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. @Nicholas Kerman, a new version came out last week, and the update method depends on where you bought the game. So, where did you buy the game?
  2. Jool is intended to be a gas giant, and as such, doesn't have a solid surface a vehicle can reach. So it's intentional that one can't land or drive there.
  3. @Ozzallos, your thread has been merged into the master thread for awesome/epic pics.
  4. Welcome to the forum, barsandcat. There is a subforum for mission reports, and your thread now occupies it.
  5. Welcome to the forum, Oscar Kerman.
  6. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. RIC had it covered, guys. No need to repeat the message.
  7. Look, I said it's closed. Stop re-closing it.
  8. I made a little guide to achieving orbit. Maybe it would be helpful?
  9. Hello one. Been playing and lurking on forums for few years. Posted way too much. Am very happy with the developers and the great community. KSP is one of the greatest games that is also educational and addictive.
  10. Hello KSP forum newbie.
  11. How about we get away from who it would be more or less ethical to run over and get back to discussing science in the science subforum?
  12. Thanks for sharing, but please don't shout about it. Also, thread moved to General, since it's about the game.
  13. Yes, the "companies" were causing a lot of arguments, feuds, breaking of forum rules, and moderator warns, and so that sort of thing is no longer allowed on the forum. You may have your own personal company name and logo, but no "employees," hiring, firing, etc.
  14. Overlapping threads merged, and moved to modded support. Good luck with your issue.
  15. Thread moved to the Welcome Aboard subforum, so you can be welcomed aboard. Welcome aboard!
  16. This thread is very old, and some of the text has been garbled by transitions to new forum softwares, BashGordon33. It is one of the better guides, though. Perhaps @Kosmo-not could be nagged/wheedled/flattered into updating it?
  17. Why did they give this thing a "hand" that looks like a goat skull? It's creepy.
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