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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The years of the baby boom are not an arbitrary period, and it's not to do with the length of a generation. More-than-usual numbers of children were born during those years.
  2. As volunteers, the principle has always been that mod-makers update when and if they feel like it. They don't even need a good reason to quit. There is no means of compelling them to continue, even if anyone had the right to try. Losing access to a mod is a risk, though, and is one of the several reasons why I prefer to avoid using mods; I do not want to be frustrated by the loss of something I've come to rely upon, so I don't rely upon them in the first place. Others choose otherwise, but we all know, or should know, that it's 'use at your own risk' because the mod-makers have no obligation to continue their services. Now putting on my moderator hat for a moment: feelings tend to run high in threads of this sort. Please do not let that drive you to insults or other forums of bad forum behavior.
  3. What was the problem, >_Avionix? You should be able to create threads here.
  4. A game like KSP is not KSP, and so the thread has been moved to the off-topic sub.
  5. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  6. Share craft, if you've got craft to share. Otherwise, take the money discussion to the off-topic subforum, please.
  7. This is why we can't have nice things. Please stick to the subject of the thread, try not to be rude to each other, and avoid accusing each other of stuff needlessly.
  8. Their content is sometimes accompanied by inappropriate ads.
  9. What sort of service are you intending to provide? Will this site all be KSP-related content?
  10. Since this seems to be an issue related specifically to modding, the thread has been moved to the modding subforum.
  11. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  12. Mediafire has caused problems on this forum and we had to block it. Please use a different file sharing service here.
  13. They use mods. And so, your question has been moved to the modding subforum.
  14. Everything seems to be working when I just checked. Are you still having trouble? Also, moved to Kerbal Network.
  15. This sharing of a craft has been moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  16. This cannot be done in stock, and so your question has been moved to the modding section.
  17. Mod use poll moved to the mod use subforum.
  18. Welcome to the forum, JNA Space Program. There is a whole subforum for questions like this, and your thread now occupies it. Folks will try to help you here, but also look around at the tutorials.
  19. @Thantos, the craft exchange is a better place to request people to make ships for you, and so your thread has been moved.
  20. As Foxster says, it is possible to transfer fuel through the Claw. I used a rover to do it. It is somewhat slow and laborious, though.
  21. Moved to modded support, since it doesn't seem to be a gameplay issue.
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