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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Rather than get mad at each other about storage media (seriously, guys?), how about we use this thread to talk about Windows' built-in recording feature!
  2. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  3. That is an odd-looking plane. How does it fly? Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  4. Hello Kalaghan. I don't use Linux, but someone who does will be along shortly.
  5. This a pretty typical new player experience. Though actually, you don't absolutely need landing legs, if you are careful.
  6. Interesting, but not KSP-related. And so, moved.
  7. This is a support issue rather than a development issues, and so the thread has been moved. Please provide as much of the necessary information as you can.
  8. As this is not about the game itself, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  9. Wasn't closed because there was no need to, until somebody necroed it.
  10. Imgur has been acting up for over a week now.
  11. Thread moved to Spacecraft Exchange: the place for showcase threads.
  12. No stock parts do this, so your question has been moved to the modding section.
  13. Could you post some pictures of your plane? That helps others diagnose problems.
  14. He means it should be moved from Science Labs to Space Lounge. Which now, it has been.
  15. This thread has been moved to the how-to subforum. Carry on.
  16. How real-world wings work is off-topic for this part of the forum. Please restrict the discussion here to the characteristics of KSP wings.
  17. Land animals also need to expend energy holding their bodies up with muscles, whereas fish are effectively weightless. I suspect there's a saving of effort and oxygen consumption there.
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