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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. As OP is now a courant, thread closed.
  2. It's not asparagus. Sylon00 seems to have given himself the project of seeing how many inappropriate places he can land my newbie moon rocket. I'm curious, Sylon00, are you even trying to get those guys from Duna home again?
  3. The first and most important question: does this happen without the mod installed? Second question: what do you mean by "it tilts"? Does it lurch suddenly and then hold that heading? Something could be breaking (hit F3 to see the failure report), or maybe the ship is too large to rest on the pad without launch clamps. If it tilts slowly while climbing, it may simply be too big for the steering power currently available from capsule, fins, and engine gimbals.
  4. Thread moved to add-on affairs, where it is more likely to receive an informative response.
  5. I like the look of that ship. You seem to build the way I do, for function rather than looks, which can itself result in designs with a nice visual appeal.
  6. Hello Acea. You'll find several of your countrymen on our forum.
  7. My mom let me stay home from kindergarten to watch people walk on the moon, live.
  8. I'm not clear about the "orbit straight" part of your statement, as every spacecraft motion in KSP is going to be a curve of some kind. Here's a guide I wrote to getting to and landing on the moons. Maybe it will answer some of your questions?
  9. Mechjeb's foes and friends are not likely to ever convince each other to change sides, so let's please not get into that argument again and confine this discussion to OP's question about landing precision. Mechjeb has been put forth as one method, so now does anybody have other suggestions?
  10. Even though the atmosphere will eliminate most of your speed for you, landing with engines on Kerbin is still quite difficult because of the high gravity. The gravity means that it will be hard to keep the ship to a safe descent speed, and even if you do, more weight will be trying to compress/damage the landing gear upon contact. It can be done, but you'd probably be better off practicing engine landings in the more forgiving gravities of Mun and Minmus before trying it on Kerbin. However, if you want to practice landing on Kerbin, don't leave Kerbin. Just build a lander, put it on the pad, and practice lifiting it a few meters and letting it come down again. Expect many crashes.
  11. Welcome to the game, and to the forum.
  12. Hello. I look forward to seeing your pics, when you can post them.
  13. That's odd. I regularly use LV-Ns on bi-couplers and have never needed to strut them like the stronger engines. Pics of the ship might help.
  14. Have you re-mapped the steering keys? I had a weird thing in which the settings screen showed my changes but they didn't actually go into affect until I re-did them.
  15. There's a staging indicator light on the lower left, next to the stage counter, and when all is going well it should be green. Has it turned red when you're having this problem?
  16. When docking was new, it was a common misconception that it was necessary to target a ring first. I thought so, too, but it turned out that this has never been necessary. If you get close enough to any ring, the magnetism will be activated and draw the ships together, whether or not any rings or even the other ship have been targeted. The rings merely need to be the same size.
  17. How about we stop speculating about OP's honesty and skills and just try to answer his question? Lolkillalevi, can you post a picture of your ship which includes the staging display?
  18. I think TheDarkStar is right. Take the ship out again, but instead of launching, hit F3 and see if it reports anything breaking.
  19. How did you stand the Kerbals on the solar panels without breaking them?
  20. If you didn't think to take any screenshots, you can always "re-enact" the scenes later and use those pics. Don't tell anybody, but I have sometimes "reconstructed" key images for a mission report.
  21. There is a thread for this game a bit farther up the list: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45139-Take-on-Mars Check that one out, Pawel. Meanwhile, this one's redundant, so let's close it, shall we?
  22. Hello NobodyIP. You may not be an expert, but an orbit-and-return of Mun isn't bad for 45 hours of experience. Landing once there is where I was stuck for days and days. Good luck with that step.
  23. Vanamonde


    Could you post some pictures of your ship with the staging display on the screen, Mast?
  24. Hello Nidhiki. These days I rarely meet someone who's been playing the game longer than I have.
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