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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. I docked my intrepid crew (Kirk, Rondan, and Mitlie) the Omicron-1 ship and we're finally ready to go somewhere. Should I bring a payload to Duna on its maiden voyage?
  2. Previous progress pics: The Propulsion stage was sent up first. I used a crude Munshine-like rocket to put it into 75km orbit. Okay, I admit it, it actually took two tries to get it to orbit, as the first rocket didn't have enough fuel. :/ Here as you can see, the cargo block had been docked to the propulsion module. It was a pain in the butt to do it, because I forgot to attach a RCS tug to it. Lucky, the PM had RCS, albeit they were a little weak. The large space in the middle is for storing cargo or extra fuel. The habitat module has been attached and the ship is awaiting its first crew. It should have about 4200 m/s of dv with a 8 ton CEV and 20 ton payload. The mockup: I assembled this early mockup with Hack Gravity. If you compare this to the actual ship, you should see the changes I made to it.
  3. It's a cargo section that can hold cargo (hence its name) or a fuel tank like in the Constellation Copernicus vehicle.
  4. I'm planning on assembling my new interplanetary ship soon. Here's a mockup of it: Here's what I have in orbit right so far:
  5. Omicron-1 The Omicron-class ship. It's main purpose is to test the different components of the spacecraft. Current status: Update! We're at Duna! More to come soon!
  6. The propulsion stage for my new manned interplanetary mission is now in orbit! What it would look like fully assembled: ^This is the old version
  7. Probably the same way you did. It surprised me too.
  8. Three concepts I built today: The last performed the best, but It's kind of ugly.
  9. But I was trying to say that your XF-108 doesn't look like the actual plane.
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