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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. Made some changes to the R-4, which is basically a rearrangement of the parts on the K-9. I'll upload it soonâ„¢.
  2. Just wait until Jool is about 90 degrees counterclockwise from Kerbin and burn into orbit.
  3. I have done this with my K-9 plane(in my sig) and I was able to reach more than double that speed for 2 minutes. Just try it yourself (BTW, it doesn't carry much fuel to save weight and it only has two engines!)
  4. So, I have been derping around in the forums and I came across a few posts about this "Magic Boulder(s)" and apparently you can crash on to them. So here's the challenge: crash into the "Magic Boulder(s)", and post pics of your mission! Good luck, and I'll be looking forward for your responses!
  5. I currently have 8 landers and rovers on Duna (they're all stock) and I'm not planning on bring back any time soon. I even got all of the "orange team" (Jebby, Billy, and Bobbygrill) on Duna.
  6. Giggle's Planez XK-9 Just try it! It's fun and easy to fly, even for beginners. Oh yeah, did I mention that it is very fast as well? Pics coming soon! Although it looks pretty similar to the K-9 so here's a pic of that instead: Download here! K-10 "Razorwing" My once top secret plane! Download here! R-4 Also an easy plane to fly! Coming Soon!
  7. Polar Express Here are the Pics!* *There may be some screenshots that are not from the mission, sorry. ^Photo bombed by my decent stage! Well, I run out of fuel and ended up landing near the North Pole. Also, as you can see in my album, I made many failed attempts to land on land. Nutt007, You're next! And here's the .craft file: Duna Rover IV Edit: Here's the persistence file!
  8. You should check out the spacecraft exchange section, there are lots of rockets there. Plus, you can click on my sig for some rockets too.
  9. Nice landing! My first Mun landing was with Bill too, he ejected and surived while the lander exploded.
  10. Mission success! I'll post an album later. It took me 2 HOURS! I wasted so much fuel that on the Laythe encouuter, I only had 25L of fuel left. Oh yeah, by the way sorry for completing my mission so early. I'll write mission report when I have the time.
  11. In order: Duna(5 times) Eve(once) Laythe(once(I took me 2 hours to land on the north pole with 25L of fuel before the encounter, but I made it )) I was too lazy to land on the Mun and Minmus in this update
  12. Sign me up for Laythe! Mission: Polar Express Design: Duna Rover IV* Goal: Land on the north pole of Laythe *I didn't feel like renaming it
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