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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I hope you're just joking... It was fun two maybe three times. And then you just want to turn ANY wobble OFF. Not to say it would save a lot of CPU time on joints calculation too.
  2. It would be possible with Squad. It will never happen with TakeTwo.
  3. But Nav-ball position is not adjustable. At least not through Settings menu.
  4. My KSP handles crafts of that size just fine. Maybe even double that size. And I have 8 year old CPU.
  5. I guess, it will be possible to write craft file converter. I don't think KSP-2 craft file format will be something intricate. And KSP-1 craft file format is just structured text. Hardest thing will be to transfer connections between parts, if in KSP-2 we will have more "connection freedom" than in KSP-1.
  6. Well... If Early Access sales will be low, there is still a possibility they cut all roadmap features, stamp "1.0" tag on it and be done with it.
  7. Possibility to destroy scatter objects (rocks, trees, ...) would be cool though.
  8. As I was saying 10 years ago, they should have just write their own physics engine and not use ANY of Unity's physics.
  9. Same as KSP-1: 0.25 alpha -> 0.90 beta -> 1.0 release Not a good sign. But I hope they know what they are doing.
  10. Well, maybe little green Kerbals wanted to feel pure sunlight (undisturbed by atmosphere) so much they invented rockets before batteries?
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