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Everything posted by Tim_Barrett

  1. The one thing I'm afraid about these long distances are the rocket that it requires... I mean, we will need rockets so big that they won't even look like rockets anymore... not really my style tbh.
  2. 3/10 Vaguely remember that username... from a challenge thread I think.
  3. Another thing, I'm taking Jeb's "Bad-ass Local Hardware Challenge" for 0.17. It basically means I will use only stock for my first flights to the planets. I should make that a real challenge...
  4. Get a simple craft to one of the planets and to several fly-by's at all of it's moons. Then I will see what I want to land on. Not racing this time if anyone would ask, because it seems a lot more fun to make discovering new worlds a bit more realistic.
  5. I'm betting ten bucks that if they implemented a .16.X planet, it disappear when you got close to it.
  6. 1/10 but I could of sworn I saw you earlier today... hmm.
  7. looks like debris from a stage before, but I could be wrong. And for minmus to somehow possibly be that far away, Kerbin would be in the middle, meaning you would most likely see it.
  8. Never tried this mod before... I think this means I will be remaking some of my craft. I'll try out this when I'm finished downloading the pack.
  9. It's impossible make stock VTOL's with this maneuverability, sorry. And I can't find the bomb either... I guess I could just make in an attachment below. All credit goes to it('s) respective authors. Bomb
  10. 9/10 I remember when you joined right before roleplay started... good times... ;(
  11. What does that have to do with this thread? He only posted because your names severely conflicted with his.
  12. Wait, is this the mod that I saw in the video or a different one?
  13. Nice username snipe, but I haven't seen you 1/10 (+1 for awesome avatar)
  14. I'm actually still sorting out the packs needed. Right now, you will need stock (of course) Tiberdyne's NovaPunch pack, JAWRD missiles, dumb bomb, and I think that might be it. I'll attach the craft files and then see what you guys are missing. Haven't made my planes open source in a while :0 EDIT: Also damned robotics/aerospace parts EDITEDIT: Uploaded 5 .craft files. Enjoy!
  15. 1/20% Who's PovaNabisco? I vaguely remember him having a certain obsession with certain... horses? My miniature ponies or something?
  16. Making it lower only decreases the time it takes to fail. But that's why kerbals are expendable, right?
  17. Well, you'd think fuel would be saved by doing that, but in reality you might also be losing a lot of energy from firing straight up.
  18. proclaiming you are in a circular orbit at 62k is bad. very, very bad.
  19. 1/10 ...who are you and why do you want my muffins?
  20. TBH I'd like to try doing it myself a few times... but the autopilot would be great so I can just spam stuff up there and forget about it and then come back to have a good amount of floating pieces to build with.
  21. Well my money is on the screen now.
  22. 1.2/10 Woops, sorry about that. Mine? Terran Pinkie. Loyalty until death!
  23. Talk about becoming legendary with a single addon... If the dev's started with his code then they might be able to save quite some time for other things. One more thing I need to see from this mod is timewarp usage without it ripping apart...
  24. I don't know, it seems like modern technology is pretty good now since all of the major changes have been implemented about say, a decade ago? More universal updates will come sooner or later, but mainly for making our computers more powerful, not really making everything else defective. Not to mention when already had passed the point where pretty much every computer to date can do simple things, such as use Word for example. I can see in the future where a normal computer can play any kind of game as itself, but that's not as much a priority.
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