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Everything posted by razark

  1. Neither did I mention religion in my post. But if mere humans are no where near the level of these proposed advanced beings, and life on Earth had to be designed, then those advanced beings must have had their start by some other designer. If they could have arisen naturally, then life on Earth could have as well. If they were designed, you've not solved the problem, only abstracted it up one layer. "We don't know" is sometimes the best, or only, answer we have. That doesn't mean we need to grab onto any answer and throw it into the gap, nor does it make an improbable answer any more probable. It just means we don't know. That only gives an origin point. There's nothing to indicate that we would be able choose what conditions exist within that universe, or have any influence in that universe once it begins to exist. Perhaps. That is a hypothesis that must await further evidence before we can answer it. That is not design. The fact that the "creatures" surprise the game's creators indicates that they did not design them, but only observed what the rules they created allowed to become. (This is different from universes in another way, also. We know developers can choose the rules by which their "universes" operate, unlike the proposed baby black hole universes.) Indeed, we do not know everything (yet?). The default position is not to accept ideas that lack evidence to support them, though. If you read back through your post, there's a lot of people think that... and some propose... and postulates and possibilities. Just because something may be possible does not mean we should treat it as the most (or even a) likely conclusion. (Agnostic doesn't mean we don't know. Agnostic means that the answer is something we cannot know. This is unrelated to the question of whether or not you accept a claim.) Anyway, I think that if we were to go much deeper into this subject, we would run into rules violations. This simply isn't the place for these sorts of discussions.
  2. If you're not playing exactly like I am, you are a dirty, evil cheater, and what's more, you're not actually having any fun!
  3. If life had to have been designed, then it must have been designed by a more complex designer. That leaves you with either "what more complex designer designed the designer?" or an infinite regress of increasingly complex designers. Edit: Of course, there's the third choice that complex beings could begin to exist without needing to be designed.
  4. There's another mod that works to change the texture, but I don't have my list of mod links handy right now.
  5. I'm starting to think you might not entirely like the idea of multiplayer. 1. Direct access to the game will always be better than a mod. 2. Because the devs like the idea, and their opinion seems to count a bit more for some reason. 3. Good question. I'm assuming that there are no other multiplayer games that have mods that we could look to for an idea? 4. Don't play the game with anuses. Look, it's simple. If you don't like it, don't use it when it's implemented. Please read your damn signature line again, or change it.
  6. Suppose you did travel back in time to 1939. How useful would your information be? Assuming that you could convince the Allies that you were authentic, and provide them advance information on what's going to happen so that they can benefit, how many of these changes would it take for the course of the war to change enough that your information is no longer valid? For example, tell the French the Germans are invading here, at time. The French then repel, or at least delay, the German troops. How will the Germans react? What will happen instead?
  7. It does offer a novel solution to overpopulated areas, though. Really would reduce traffic problems.
  8. Fall Semester 1995: z_<first initial><middle initial><lastname> The week before finals in the spring, I discovered MUDs, and the username has remained since.
  9. Well, that is the quickest way to get there. Just not a very good strategy for staying there.
  10. That's something I've noticed about a lot of "save/change the world" ideas. They seem to exist in some kind of post-scarcity world.
  11. I must note that this also applies to a large number of TOS episodes. (Which I am also a fan of, having grown up on the reruns.) So the second movie involved Khan, and this third one seems to include the destruction of the Enterprise. If the next one has so much as a single damn whale...
  12. Perhaps vandalism is not the correct term. (Although, the tape or other adhesive could cause unintentional damage to the wall it is posted on.) That is almost certainly so, but it does not change the technical legality of the act.
  13. The Astronaut Corps has an award that they give out to people "for outstanding performance, contributing to flight safety and mission success."
  14. I'm not sure about that. Posting a sign on property that he does not own without the consent of the owner could be considered vandalism.
  15. Then your claim would work out as well as me trying to collect tolls on an interstate highway.
  16. Some people think the things you point out aren't so much reasons, but things that are wrong with the game.
  17. The lowest high temperature we've had this month was 33, with a total of six days below 35 degrees.
  18. So career is a tutorial. When do we get a real career that's not a tutorial?
  19. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_orbit or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apsis#Terminology_graph. All three forms have been used. I have seen it broken down into more specific rules of which to use in certain cases: apocynthion- High point in the orbit of an object put into lunar orbit from Earth. apolune- High point in the orbit of an object put into lunar orbit from the Moon. aposelene- High point in the orbit of an object in lunar orbit.
  20. My son reports that he was able to add up some distance by swinging at the park.
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