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Everything posted by razark

  1. Like OV-102? My father has a piece of tile from Columbia. It was part of the scrap from trimming the tiles to their final shape during the original construction. Considering the number of damaged tiles that had to be replaced between flights, I wouldn't be surprised that a number of them have made it into private collections over the life of the program.
  2. Currently: Cycling every four hours.
  3. You might want to check that link. It says 7.4.7, but it links to 7.4.6.
  4. There's also the chance of a last minute reprieve or stay to be considered.
  5. No, it's more the absurdity of "we're going to make this person die, but for gods' sakes, don't let him get sick!" that makes the humor. If the humor was "Ha! We're going to kill a person!", then you might have a point.
  6. "Of late"? Finding out information from postings on other websites is nothing new.
  7. Year -1. I currently have chronic game non-starting disorder. I've kind of fallen out of playing for now, so I'm just keeping track of which mods need updating for when I do start playing again.
  8. I like to listen to old radio programs. Some of the greatest moments are the commercials. There was one company from the mid 1940s that was advertising how their gasoline was now improved by scientific advances made during the war, that allowed for their product to be made out of "molecules and compounds".
  9. Thank you for helping with my afterlife-style plans. Now, in addition to the hearse with an ice cream truck sound system (to be driven through residential areas), there will also be a lecture on the heat death of the universe.
  10. I'm not too sure about that. They named a city after Romulus once before, and we're still dealing with the aftermath of that...
  11. Then it's your own fault for failing to understand. It's on it's way out, anyway.
  12. That's what THEY want you to believe! Because you can only go so far with space-deniers/flat-earthers.
  13. Thank you! They can change the signs all they want, it'll never be NASA Parkway.
  14. Chemtrails from government planes are very obviously evil. In the 1940's, chemtrails were frequently seen over Europe: These sightings were accompanied by verifiable, and very reliable, reports of large numbers of deaths shortly after these chemtrails were seen.
  15. Perhaps allowing the player to change this do a different crewmember would be a good idea. Also, adding a field for "Commander" might be good, as this Kerbal may not be the pilot.
  16. I generally bring back capsules to a splashdown, so this fits very well. Thank you so much.
  17. Indeed. That's why we haven't gone to Mars or Alpha Centauri yet. The question here was if the task was possible, though.
  18. Possible? Yes. Anything that doesn't break the laws of physics is "possible". The question is getting the funding.
  19. I still have the tapes in a drawer somewhere, along with the ZX-81 that used them. Sadly, I wasn't able to get it working last time I tried.
  20. Ah, memories. I remember how great it was when I finally got a computer with a 3.5 floppy drive.
  21. You've bought into the lie that the "Earth" actually exists.
  22. You're just imagining it.
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