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Everything posted by razark

  1. Another possible option would be to have a pool of several pre-made Kerbals for each "position". When you start a save, the game randomly pulls one of the options, and you get a diverse choice of ground-staff, and it's not always the same. Or have the occupant of each position change based on time? After all, Kerbals have probably figured out the concept of work shifts. That way, you get to see more Kerbals adding to the sense that there's actually more than a tiny handful of those little green critters.
  2. Star Wars was a WWII movie. Go watch the attack scene of The Dam Busters.
  3. razark


  4. Horses performing Shakespeare's Macbeth.
  5. Would you feel any differently about the claim/situation if it lacked that statement?
  6. Nice. I like the looks of this version, both the fore and background. Yay!
  7. How many more rockets do we need? Remember, New Shepard is reusable.
  8. I prefer the new layout. But options are good. Give us a choice to go horizontal.
  9. Why do we need the Russians? Blue Origin has demonstrated a reusable system for getting stuff up to space. That should make it even cheaper. I mean, sure, it's not orbit, but there's already enough space junk now. We wouldn't want to clutter up LEO more than we need to, would we?
  10. I would associate those names more with fantasy than sci-fi. I read Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber until it fell apart. (Of course, it's hard to draw a hard line between fantasy and sci-fi...)
  11. Came here to say this. Aside from his novels, I've really enjoyed his short stories, as well.
  12. How is this buried? It was merged into an already existing thread on the same topic, in which the article has already been linked. If information was being buried, there wouldn't be a 12 page (at this point) long, unlocked thread, including posts from active moderators, and a posted response from "The founders". You cannot in all honesty claim that they're hiding this right now, no matter what else you might think of them.
  13. Try removing AVC. That should stop the messages.
  14. Because if they're completely burnt out, you can't get any work out of them, no matter how hard you swing the whip.
  15. The part with "two meter" and also the "millipede" part.
  16. Cretaceous. I like ammonites, and it was the one I spent the most time in while fossil hunting.
  17. I think "report to" may be the wrong choice of words. Of course, as a contractor, my boss is a company employee. However, we also have a civil servant manager over our group. That's who makes policy and determines what work is done. (Theoretically, anyway. ) We also have to deal with our Directorate people to coordinate efforts within the directorate. Our group is considered a Center Resource, and anyone that requires our services can request it. These customers are quite often civil servants, but not always. They provide us with the specific requirements for the work, final approval for release, and manage policy for their processes. Each center has a similar group, and at agency level, there's another civil servant that (theoretically) runs things. Certain projects get handled at this level, if they involve coordinated efforts across the centers. While we may not "report to" them in a certain sense, we do have a couple of civil servants that manage our functions, three or four major customers, and a handful of others that require attention from time to time that we have to answer to in some form. So, depending on how you want to define "boss", I've got one, or many.
  18. Believe me, I'm aware of what needs to happen to get a foreign national on-site, and Designated Countries restrictions. I've spent more time dealing with that system (and owner) than I like to think about. There's plenty of difference between a civil servant and a contractor. For instance, civil servants can make policy decisions, contractors can't. (Not that that stops a civil servant from asking a contractor what their own policy is.) I can't say I've ever heard of any such coaching, though. That just seems like common sense. Besides, when you report to five different civil servants for multiple different projects, how could you identify one as your boss?
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