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Everything posted by razark

  1. The burn time is based on how quickly your engines go through the fuel supply. That shouldn't change based on where you're firing them. What exactly do you mean by "thrusters"?
  2. That's just a C-130. (Okay... It's a C-130 with rockets) If you want to Kerbal it up, go with Operation Credible Sport's YMC-130. ("... modified by the installation of 30 rockets in multiple sets: eight forward-pointed ASROC rocket motors mounted around the forward fuselage to stop the aircraft, eight downward-pointed Shrike rockets fuselage-mounted above the wheel wells to brake its descent, eight rearward-pointed MK-56 rockets (from the RIM-66 Standard missile) mounted on the lower rear fuselage for takeoff assist, two Shrikes mounted in pairs on wing pylons to correct yaw during takeoff transition, and two ASROCs mounted at the rear of the tail to prevent it from striking the ground from over-rotation.") How about a proposed Shuttle transport aircraft, the Conroy Virtus: Each of those lower fuselages is a B-52 Stratofortress.
  3. Squad has demonstrated that they will work on KSP in whatever way they decide, on whatever schedule they impose, and player desires be damned.
  4. I never said I thought Squad couldn't or hadn't done so. I was just pointing out why people might have issues with a marketing company attempting to break into the video game industry. Frankly, Squad shows exactly how well it can be done. But yes, this is rather off-topic.
  5. A successful video game involves a lot more than just multimedia work, and a lot of that experience is not going to be found in both advertising and game development. Multimedia work? Sure. But what about user interface design? Would you expect someone to hire EA or Ubisoft to develop advertisements? When your dog is sick, do you take it to a veterinarian or a bricklayer? If you want a company to develop a new airliner for you, would you call Boeing or a plumber?
  6. Success in one business does not automatically translate into success in another. Just because a company had a good history of marketing, you can't expect them to have success with, for example, writing video games. (Of course, there's nothing to say a company can't be successful in a different industry than they have previously worked in.)
  7. So that's what she was up to when I saw her.
  8. This is exactly what happened my first attempt, as well.
  9. I believe the idea is: Time spent working on implementing multiplayer is less time spent working on actual game content.
  10. Maybe two or three weeks ago, I saw that thing. Weird as pictures of it look, there's no way to compare to seeing the thing actually flying. I submit the Hiller Pawnee:
  11. There's a reason my first Mun landing screenshot is captioned "We came in pieces for all Kerbkind."
  12. So am I, but no one has answered it. I might just have to set up a second machine and see if I can get DMP working just to try it and see how it "solves" the problem.
  13. Easy. Just pop back 2000 years, tell the Romans there's a handful of Celtic tribes on the moon talking smack about them, and hand them the blueprints for everything. Instant lunar program.
  14. I work on the ass-end of the Information Technology field for a contractor providing services to a certain four-letter government agency. My job is a little bit of programming, a little bit of document management, a little bit of database work, a lot of meetings, and way too much technical support.
  15. Your choice is to either buy another copy from somewhere that isn't Steam, or... Nope. That's your only choice. If you want a non-Steam copy, you have to buy one.
  16. But if the station is in the future, it must have gotten there by being somewhere in the past.
  17. But how does such a system handle mutually exclusive events? Player A timewarps a day ahead on the timeline of Player B. A launches a ship, rendezvous with and docks to a space station. The player is now docked to the station on day 2. Ten minutes in real time later, B launches a ship on day 1, rendezvous and docks to the station, on the same docking port. B then syncs their clock with player A. The clock is now set to Day 2 for both players, and who is docked to the station? What happens to the other player? Or, before B syncs, A deorbits the station. What happens to B's ship when the sync occurs? It just seems to me that to avoid logical inconsistencies, all players would need to be within the same timeframe.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/126838-farex/ 22 Oct 2014 Since you joined in 2011, I would assume so.
  19. True, however in that story, the relationship was added by the creator of the characters, not by later fans. Shipping characters from works I did not create is more akin to saying Romeo and Juliet ending happily because I pretend they talked about their plan over the phone.
  20. We're not investors in the company, we're customers. We are entitled to exactly whatever the state of the game was when we made our purchase. Anything beyond that is extra, and we have no right to expect a single bit more.
  21. Wow. You asked a question. You got an answer. You got your panties in a wad over it. I apologize for wasting your precious time and effort on reading my petty little pointless comment that answered the question you asked. I will try to remember to refrain from disturbing the likes of such great minds as yours with information. I am so very sorry that I was unable, lowly peasant amongst the unwashed forum masses that I am, to determine that you were only seeking answers that fit with your great and mighty notions, preconceived (and all the better for it) though they may be. Such a lowly one as I, not worthy to post among the Great Thinkers of Our Era like yourself, must have been mistaken and not realized that you wished for anyone responding to first read the thoughts out of you powerful brain, and know that only those that might answer your amazing riddle correctly would be deemed worthy to be accepted by you. How was such a small minded fool as myself to know that you would not accept something such as the only rocket to have carried man beyond earth and into the very heavens? Heavens, I might add, that you are obviously one of the few to possibly be able to conceive of the tinyest detail of, oh great and wonderful thinker of mighty thoughts. Pardon me that I cannot bow any lower in apology, your mightyness. I shall creep away now, like the lowly, ignorant worm that I am, and humbly beg your forgiveness at disturbing one such as yourself, who must truly be a mighty thinker amongst the great minds of all human history.
  22. Friday afternoon, when I drove by a Mecury Redstone, a Little Joe II, and a Saturn V. All of which had fins. Across the street was a life-sized model of a shuttle orbiter. It's about 50% "fin".
  23. Is enforcing licenses for third-party add-ons on third-party sites within Squad's responsibility? I can see Squad taking the position of "if the license is being violated, thou shalt not discuss it here", but can (or should) they enforce it any further?
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