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Everything posted by razark

  1. The 2013 issue only wiped out users that had joined in a specific timeframe. Anyone that joined before (I think) October 2012 should have survived.
  2. Hrm. I know I've done it before. It was probably in an older version of KSP, though. Rereading your post though, it looks like something else is going on. I don't think I've dealt with mods that add categories to the tabs.
  3. Yes, it's possible. Go into the folder that contains the part, and find the .cfg file. Open in a text editor, find the line that says "category = X" and change X from what it is to what you want it to be. Save file, part moved. And then someone will tell you how to do it with Module Manager, probably.
  4. "Nevermind, I figured it out myself. Please delete this thread."
  5. I think the better idea would be to not have it as a desert planet, rather than have it be Tatooine. I mean, we're supposed to have a whole galaxy to play in, why should we continuously visit the same tiny parts of it?
  6. If there is no joystick attached to the system, what should the throttle be set at?
  7. That seems to be the whole point of the character. He wants to be so much more than he is. Hopefully, when he returns, the events of this movie will make him what we expect of him as a character. Yeah, he was a bit pointless. The character seemed almost tacked on to the story. This I completely disagree with. There was enough. We don't need any more callbacks to the originals. We know we're watching Star Wars. We're not going to forget if we go two minutes without hearing about something from the OT. The politics in this movie were a bit too unexplained. Are there three sides now? How do the old Rebel Alliance and the new Resistance relate to the Republic?
  8. Check the 8th post in this thread. It's got a fix that works for this. Or if you want to, just add the line "prelaunchDefaultThrottle = 0" to the file Physics.cfg in your main KSP directory and skip the extra mod stuff.
  9. You realize that between 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 they added a setting for it in one of the config files? Not only did they have time to change it, test it, and so on, but they also intentionally left it at 50% default. Time and effort are not relevant. They made the choice to have 50% default throttle.
  10. Great idea! Someone go post this in the suggestions. "KSP needs proper breathing simulation."
  11. Probably "No." Now, if you ask some of the people that ride the rockets, you'll probably get a different answer.
  12. I got to listen to a racist tirade from my mother-in-law about the foreign person that hit my sister-in-law's truck.
  13. Face it, fanboys. Musk got beat to a milestone he wanted, and he, in a completely uncalledfor manner, got krakeny about it online. That doesn't change the fact he went on to do something else even greater.
  14. I just noticed this morning that the SpaceX sign is no longer there. I don't usually end up on that end of Saturn, but it might have been recent. It looked like they were painting the sign. Of course, over the last few decades, I've seen the signs on buildings change quite a few times, depending on who had what contract, or what mergers occurred.
  15. Sheesh. Did Blue Origin launch a rocket? Yes. Did SpaceX launch a rocket? Yes. Did BO's rocket reach space? Yes. Did SpaceX's rocket reach space? Yes. Did BO recover their booster via powered descent and controlled landing? Yes. Did SpaceX recover their booster via powered descent and controlled landing? Yes. Did the recovered portion of BO's rocket reach orbit? No. Did the recovered portion of SpaceX's rocket reach orbit? No. Did Blue Origin perform the feats before SpaceX? Yes Did SpaceX perform a more impressive feat? Yes Was Elon Musk being a jackass when he tweeted about BO's landing? YES The line of argument downplaying what Blue Origin did in comparison to what SpaceX did is kind of like saying "Well, Apollo 11 wasn't so big a deal. I mean, it was first, but Apollo 15 did it while carrying a rover and Apollo 17 did it with a scientist onboard." So, anyway. Yay! Rich people played with their space toys.
  16. This sounds more and more like a reason to not send any flags than anything else. Didn't we get over the whole krakening contest/bragging rights thing when the Cold War ended?
  17. So, they both launched a rocket into space without going into orbit and then recovered it, only Blue Origin also recovered the payload? Cool. I'm sure SpaceX will get to that point someday. Yes, what SpaceX did was impressive. However, what BO did was also impressive, and they accomplished it first. SpaceX managed to accomplish a completely different "first". If some SpaceX fanboy wants to show us how easy what BO did is, I'm sure we'll be seeing it in the news anytime now. My problem is that Musk posted some pretty jackassed twits after BO's recovery, completely unprovoked. Musk is merely reaping what he sowed. Bezos: Hey, we did something cool. Musk: Well, we're going to do better! Musk: We did something similar earlier, but didn't reach the same milestone! Musk: But, I'm sooooo awesome, I'm going to link to xkcd! Musk: But X-15 and SpaceShipOne! Musk: Hey! Pay attention to me!
  18. Just saw it. It wasn't bad, but I thought it leaned much to heavily on recreating scenes from the original trilogy. It would have been better without those scenes. The movie is strong enough to stand on it's own, without relying on it constantly reminding us why we like the originals.
  19. It seems odd, but you have to account for conversations that may be overheard in the lunchroom, or papers that might get left lying around, or a dropped USB drive.
  20. But not from the perspective of "investment" and "give a damn what happens to them afterwards".
  21. That will tell you that it is possible to fail after several launches. It would be better to examine the parts so that you can understand why it failed.
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