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Everything posted by razark

  1. Tape. Place it over the lights. That's what I do in the rare instances that I need darkness. Because then I don't need to worry about whether or not they're plugged in whenever I want to use them. I've got the joystick for KSP or FSX, or I can put that to the side and move the yoke over for different FSX aircraft, or grab my old NES controller for Tetris. I also have an old joystick base sitting here so I can use the buttons on it for extra functions. Why bother to unplug them if I don't have any reason to? I don't unplug my speakers when I'm not listening to music. I don't bother to unplug the second monitor when I'm not using it.
  2. I've seen references to this several times, and the answer seems quite obvious to me: Why do you keep unpluging your joystick, and if you do, why don't you make sure it's plugged in before starting KSP? (I'm sure there's some glaringly obvious reason for it, I just have no idea what it is.) I swear I've been copying my settings file over for quite a few releases now, and I've not lost my joystick settings yet.
  3. Is there a tool for editing the Tech Tree? I recall that someone had created a GUI for a previous version (0.25, maybe?), but I haven't seen anything in a while.
  4. The Right Stuff It even has a craptastic rocket lolsplosion montage that should suit any fan of Kerbal Space Pogrom:
  5. Hrm. 11 XKCDs, and only one KSP. (And that's the XKCD "How I learned Orbital Mechanics" one.) No one has ever shown any sign of recognizing the screenshots I use as wallpaper. I honestly can't say I've seen any KSP related items outside of our office, either.
  6. Neither one was built, but I wouldn't say they're entirely fictional, either. Dynasoar: Or the proposed orbital variant of the X-15.
  7. How many people work at NASA? How many of them play video games? How many of those have run across KSP? How many of that group like that kind of game? (And how many people at NASA actually care about space that much versus the ones working there for a paycheck?) Short version: There's probably not a lot of people at NASA playing KSP, but there are some.
  8. I find it odd that a Kerbal that has 10000 hours in high performance jet aircraft has no more experience than one that goes on a couple minute sub-orbital flight.
  9. Seriously, as one who is most definitely not a fan of the new forum, stop. Please. You're just making yourself look like a petulant child, and you're not doing anyone with legitimate complaints any good. The old forum is gone, learn to live with the new one and make it the best it can be. My gods, sir! You're talking about the forum for a video game! A video game that basically centers around creating various contraptions to recreate the greatest space disasters for our amusement, or to think up new and exciting ways to horribly maim and/or kill little green men from outer space! What the hell is "professional and serious" about that in any way?!?
  10. Check this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126583-welcome-to-the-new-forums/&page=16#comment-2302675
  11. Have you tried yet? I'm not sure exactly which tags all work, but some do.
  12. Try these for now: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126583-welcome-to-the-new-forums/&page=15#comment-2302450 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126583-welcome-to-the-new-forums/&page=15#comment-2302559 They helped my poor eyes.
  13. The best I found was here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126609-new-forums-how-to-deal-with-the-changes-a-guide/ Thank you. This does seem a little better on the eyes.
  14. I prefer to think of it as: "I don't understand why someone would play this as a game. To me, it's a job!"
  15. Actually, I think I found out what I wanted. It's mostly like your screenshot (http://i.imgur.com/8aDdV7i.png), but under "Show Me", change the option to "Content items only". That keeps it from showing an entry for every post.
  16. Has anyone found a way to get "Activity Streams" like the "Threads I Follow" thing to only show threads, not every damn single post?
  17. But but but... It's changed! Change is bad! Things we don't understand frighten us! Just look at how we react every time a new update is released. I'm not thrilled. A lot of that will probably fade over time, though, as I get used to it and gain more familiarity with the new stuff. The loss of subscription lists is probably what irks me the most.
  18. Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
  19. Destination Moon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ooQ5nTTcAo
  20. Has anyone official commented on why this "update" was needed?
  21. While I am not a fan of the new forum, I just have to say: You do realize you're talking about a forum for a video game, right?
  22. This is disappointing. At least I saved my bookmarks to some of the threads.
  23. How odd. I had one earlier today, but now he's gone.
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