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Everything posted by razark

  1. With San Diego, I'd imagine a number of defense contractors. They tend to overlap industries with aerospace quite a bit. (The difference between a missile and a rocket is where the guidance system tells it to go, after all.) I know the company I'm with also holds a number of DoD contracts, even though we're not really industry-specific. There's even a number of office buildings in the area with sealed floors requiring special access.
  2. That's because we've been using hammers for a long time. Reusable boosters are rather a newer technology. The question at this point isn't "how many launches can the parts stand?", it's "are any of the parts fit for reuse?".
  3. Somehow, I just don't see anyone approving plans to land rockets in the middle of a major metropolitan area.
  4. Ah. Thanks. I was wondering if they'd be going for a "look how quickly we can get it ready again" demonstration.
  5. Indeed. I said it was a fitting response, not a nice one.
  6. After Musk's twits last month? I find it very fitting.
  7. So, will this one fly again, or go in a museum?
  8. It makes sense to me that they wouldn't be worried about prime street frontage. They're not worried about catching the attention of passing members of the public for their business, like a gas station or donut shop or fabric store. Of course, spending most of my life living a stone's throw from a space center, I am so used to seeing various aerospace companies all over the place. I'm not surprised to find one tucked back in some area that's off the beaten path.
  9. I find watching someone play a game to be mind-numbingly boring. Putting up with it to gain a few snippets of information about the game would be extremely frustrating.
  10. Allow me to rephrase, since apparently "office" is not a general enough term. People think it's odd to see an aerospace company facility of some sort, be it administrative/clerical offices, warehouse, production facility, testing area, sign, store, etc.?
  11. I just wish the poster had been the Up Goer Five. There's also a surprising number of fold-out pages in the book. The sad part is that I haven't spent much time looking through it since I got it.
  12. I know it has not been removed, since I was messing with it earlier today. I don't remember where I found it, though. Did you check under Engines?
  13. Umm... People think it's odd to see an aerospace company office? How strange.
  14. Like I've said before, a large number of players together just doesn't make sense to me. However, I can see multiplayer working for small groups. One person flying the B-52/White Knight, and another flying the X-15/SpaceshipOne. Or an Apollo recreation with one player being the CDR flying the LM and another being the LMP and calling out important data, while a third is the CMP. I simply can't imagine how it would work for much more than that. (I'm also willing to admit that it could simply be a failure of my imagination, and maybe someone can show me how it will work.)
  15. Actually, I think that might help. I'd like to clear up any misunderstanding of the system so that when I oppose it, I know exactly what I am against and why.
  16. At time X, his ship should be at that point. When I (starting at time X-300) reach time X, where do I perceive his ship to be? Where it was at time X, or where it is at time X+300? When I sync with him, I go from time X to time X+300. What happens to my position? Am I at the same position as before I sync, or do I jump ahead along my orbit 300 seconds? What about the position of planets in the solar system? If he's heading to another planet, do I see him jump into high speed as he goes into timewarp? Does he head off into the middle of nowhere, not even getting close to a planet, and then suddenly jump from interplanetary space to orbiting his destination?
  17. Question: If Bob has a ship in LKO, and I am also in LKO but five minutes in his past what happens if his ship passes through a specific point in space, and five minutes later, I pass through the exact same point, what happens?
  18. Well, based on the thread title and topic, I'll just point out that the Kerbal Space Center currently has more runways and launchpads than the Space Center here. Edit: There is a helipad, though.
  19. Interesting indeed, since this is something we have repeatedly and firmly been told would never happen.
  20. I think multiplayer would work best with a small number of players, with the timewarp set to the lowest selected level amongst the group. I can't imagine it working with more than a handful of people playing at once. So of course it will probably end up being some massive multiplayer thing with ships jumping into and out of existence as timewarp is turned into some chaotic puddle. Edit: And I wouldn't like to see the devs get so focused on implementing multiplayer to the detriment of other features.
  21. Bug fixes, performance improvements, and "We've decided to drop the whole 'craptastic' aesthetic that we never should have had in the first place".
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