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Everything posted by razark

  1. You forgot the "I use them to build planes occasionally but not exclusively" option.
  2. Oldowan Industry, 2.6-1.7 million years ago: Acheulean Industry, 1.8 million - 100,000 years ago: Mousterian Industry, 600,000-40,000 years ago: 5000 years ago: Computer, 70 years ago: Computer, 0 years ago: Progress has ground to a halt?
  3. You should probably see a doctor about your condition.
  4. Backspace, tab, capslock, U, G, C, V, B, F, Esc, several function keys. Edit: Damnit. How could we forget Space?
  5. I do believe I have seen some references in the Dev Notes of some members working with the porters. It makes sense, too. No one knows the game as well as Squad, so they would be the ones to answer a few questions or give a tour of the code. But it's not as if they've split the dev team into three groups to handle the three branches.
  6. People think that it takes away from the main development effort, or that Squad should focus on fixing bugs before wasting time making more versions. They don't know or care that Squad isn't the ones doing the porting.
  7. Hopefully they'll post something on the forum to tell us where the news is. And it's not hard to make short twitter-like posts on a forum. Start a thread in the Announcements section, sticky it, and lock the thread and only let the devs post to it. You know, use the Announcements area to announce things? It's not brain surgery, people. Not posting information to your own website is just jackassery. Post it everywhere you can, fine. But also post it to your own damn site, too.
  8. Yes yes. I know. Edit: Point being that there was at one time a spacecraft in consideration called Orion, that was a possibility for an interstellar design. The words "interstellar" and "Orion" and "spacecraft" are linked in some manner. Much more closely linked than say "flat" and "earth", for example.
  9. It was known that 64-bit support would probably be coming back. It was also mentioned that it would probably be later on, not right away. So this announcement is new.
  10. Yes. We've told them repeatedly, and at one point they even agreed and said they'd be more proactive in using the forum to release information. Apparently, they still think it's a fun thing to hide information wherever the hell they feel like. I wonder if they set up a pool and place bets on how long it will take their little tidbits of information to make it back to the forum. Frankly, I think it's pretty damn silly. As a user, I would expect that information about a program would be readily available on the website of the company that produces the program.
  11. True. However, there is a reasonable explanation why someone would connect "Orion" and "interstellar spacecraft".
  12. "Project Orion was a study of a spacecraft..." The article makes it clear that Orion was used as the name of the type of ships using the propulsion method, not just the propulsion method itself.
  13. Well, there is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29
  14. You have a strange definition of "free".
  15. But seeing as the point of an advertisement is to be noticed, is it really that effective? Sure, it'll catch the attention of a few people now. Then it will be quickly forgotten. It won't even be seen by more than a handful of people. I could just as easily claim I was putting my own product on the moon, and hardly anyone would know the difference. It doesn't say they are building it, just landing it. NASA didn't build the LMs, but they did land them on the moon. The article says "The US firm designing the rover..." and continues in the next paragraph, where it calls out the name of the company, "The firm, Astrobotic...". It doesn't get it screwed up. It simply states that SpaceX is landing a rover designed by Astrobotic.
  16. Human progress has ground to a halt? That depends on how you define "progress" and "halt", I suppose. When I was born, the home computer was not a thing that existed. Today, nearly everyone carries a computer everywhere they go. Computers once talked to each other over phone lines, but now the phone is completely run by the computer. As for war leading to invention, I'm not entirely convinced. War certainly quickens the adoption of new technology for practical uses, but radar, jet engines, and even the computer were in operation before the Second World War started. I, too, am opposed to industrializing of textile manufacturing. Let us go smash some spinning frames.
  17. You should start with either COBOL or INTERCAL. Once you have learned either one of those to a sufficient degree, switch to C. Once you switch, you'll be so happy to never touch the original language that programming will seem so easy.
  18. That depends on what the definition of "did" did.
  19. That depends on how you define "ridiculous threads"?
  20. I can only cheat if I'm playing the game. If I use mechjeb, I'm not playing the game. :. I cannot cheat by using mechjeb.
  21. Well, there you go. It's not cheating by that definition. Mechjeb seems to be a pretty standard addition to many people's games. Of course, to fully determine it, we'd need to define "advantage", as well.
  22. Please define "cheating".
  23. A coworker (who happens to play KSP occasionally) and I went to lunch today. I ordered hash browns with my burger, but they brought me fries. I felt cheated.
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