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Everything posted by razark

  1. Coffee, tea, root beer, bourbon, or a gin and tonic.
  2. No one has posted this yet? Get out there and see some space stuff! http://www.heavens-above.com
  3. I've seen ISS many times, and many other satellites. I remember seeing Mir and a shuttle many years ago. It was awesome seeing those two lights moving across the sky.
  4. I see your points. However, there is an unmanned X-37B up there right now, too. Again, you make some good points. However, I think the feel of a X-planes program could be fun as well. Just because the goal is space, doesn't mean everything has to happen there. Some of the fun is in finding ways to get there.
  5. If you've ever seen (or better, read) The Right Stuff, high speed/altitude flight has it's place in rocketry and spaceflight. And of the six manned spacecraft types the US has used, two have been spaceplanes. (Only one of those six used landing legs.) I'm not saying planes should be the main focus, I'm just saying there's a strong argument to be made for having them, and having them work properly.
  6. No, it doesn't matter. But someone was curious, asked a question, received answers, and learned a little bit more about the world they live in. If you think about it, it doesn't really matter that a rocket with a temperature overlay looks just a tiny little bit like an old popsicle advertisement, either.
  7. If it were added, I think it would be better if users had to toggle on only the tanks they wanted. That would probably be easier on the users.
  8. Allowing players to create new categories of crafts is also needed.
  9. From personal observation, I've noticed that older siblings tend to earn any annoyance they get from younger siblings.
  10. What if we just stopped sending flags into space in the first place?
  11. It's a question of scale, and how the question is worded could make a difference. If a sample of water is taken from an ocean near where a large freshwater river empties into it, and a sample is taken from another location in the middle of the ocean, there will be a difference in salinity. If two samples are taken from the mouths of two different rivers, there will be differences based on what minerals each river carries. Seawater as a whole is heterogeneous. However, if two separate samples are taken from a single location, they will be indistinguishable enough to be called homogenous. - - - Updated - - - That says only that seawater is a mixture, and that saltwater is homogenous.
  12. Another one? How many people have designed their own "Earth Flag"? They never seem to catch on.
  13. Why not just turn gravity off? I mean, really, gravity is just another one of those things that's just in the game for the sake of "realism", so just turn it off and build whatever you want. I'm still annoyed because I need engines to go anywhere. I should be able to build whatever sort of ship I want and make it fly wherever I want without engines, because creativity. But no, for some reason I need propulsion to make my ship move.
  14. No. That's just redundancy and a successful Abort To Orbit. It's Single Stage To Orbit. Not Single Stage To Orbit And Back. Parachutes? That's too easy.
  15. I'd love to see a KSP tech tree organized with prop planes and sounding rockets at the lowest level, and working upwards to bigger and better rockets, crewed capsules, and spaceplanes. The Right Stuff, Kerbal Edition
  16. I've sent Kerbals into Duna and Eve orbit. I've landed one probe on Duna. Everything else I've done since 0.15 has been Kerbin-local. Largely, this has been due to a low-end computer, plus restarting my career quite frequently.
  17. I had a couple of co-workers mention it to me.
  18. There's a huge desert area on the planet. It would be a great place for huge, long runways that would provide a place for people to do the sort of stuff Edwards AFB has done. Flight test new aircraft, recover re-entering shuttles, and even launch a few spaceplanes like the X-15. Spaceship One flew out of the nearby Mojave Air and Space Port, as well.
  19. I'm flat out a non-believer. However, I will often pull up some version of this and use it as background music while I'm working:
  20. Given the right environment, I can go through books, too. The problem is getting that environment. Any background noise distracts me. The TV on, people talking, music with lyrics (instrumental is fine), the kids' games or videos all distract me to the point that I can't read. Most of my reading has to be done late at night when everyone's asleep, or when everyone's out of the house. That just doesn't happen often enough.
  21. Used book stores can be a dangerous place. I tend to acquire books much faster than I can read them. My pile of "to be read" books is constantly growing. Between kids, wife, and a job, I just can't get enough quiet time.
  22. I will from now on! Thank you for this information.
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