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Everything posted by razark

  1. True. But how long ago was that? For the record, the inside of Boeing Plant 1: Not exactly building high-tech spacecrafts there. Or even an airliner. As you pointed out, it was the first. (And it's not covered in trash.) Even if a space agency were to start out using a run down farm, by the time they graduated to Mercury, they wouldn't have the "covered-in-trash-and-patches" aesthetic. Trust me, none of that surprises me. I've seen plenty of that sort of stuff. It's not so much "it's a barn" as it is "it's a trash-heap that shouldn't be". A barn is fine. As long as it fits in with the concept of an organization that is capable of launching a crewed orbital spacecraft. I'm kind of put off by the whole "Heh heh. Kerbals are dumb and build junk just to go boom" attitude.
  2. Yes. This has always been my problem with the barn. It would fit if we started off with small sounding rockets and fabric and bailing wire biplanes. Well, the craptacular look was kind of silly, too. Edit: And yes, if you go look up old pictures of Goddard and some of the early guys, they have barns/sheds/cobbled together facilities. The difference is that they weren't starting off launching Mercury and Vostok missions.
  3. I noticed it during one of the preview videos. It took me a moment to realize that was the fairings, not the fuel.
  4. I don't know about Squad, but my job description includes "Nights and weekends, as projects may require".
  5. Thanks. I rarely check that area. I figured that Squad had forgotten they had that forum.
  6. Good point. I'm sure the vast number of people that question Squad's decision have absolutely no reason whatsoever for it. I'm certain that every one, even those that have been playing for years, is eager to see this game fail. I mean, they wouldn't go to the effort to raise their concerns if they actually cared about the game, would they?
  7. *raises glass* To Squad! *holds it for a week to see whether to take a sip or pour it on the floor*
  8. I, for one, do understand what "1.0" means anymore, nor why a company would choose a release date that forces it to postpone planned features. However, whatever has been said, the next week will show the truth. I wish Squad much luck, even if I do question some of their decisions.
  9. Was there no puzzle/riddle this weekend? I thought there was supposed to be one, but I never saw it.
  10. New version = new career. I think there's only once that I have not started a new career on update.
  11. Crazy idea here, but hear me out. It may just be the bourbon talking, but does the older footage need to be current? (I have no idea what the movie you're doing is about.) Instead of scrapping the already created footage, is there some way you can reframe it into a flashback, or a dream sequence, or use it in some other way that having a different look to it would not break the movie? You could give it a black and white or washed out look and use it behind a voice-over, etc. to fit it in between newer footage. Turn it into 1940s newsreel style stock footage or an artist's impression. That would give you a chance without needing to reshoot everything.
  12. 0.90 has been moved to playable archive status. Current modlist has been set up. 1.0 will be downloaded as soon as possible. Need to recompile modlist to make sure it is up to date including correct links. I will try out stock sandbox 1.0 as I wait for mods to update. As mods become/are found to be compatible, they will be added to the mix and tested. Once sufficient mods have been updated/found compatible, a new career will begin.
  13. It seems that every time there's a release, there's an issue. And every time afterwards, it's "We know there's a problem, we've fixed it for next time." I've resigned myself to not expecting to get the new release until evening the day after.
  14. I expect that it will be after the Monday morning coffee-guzzling and "Are we sure?" meetings, but with enough time before "Time to punch out, I hope nothing goes wrong overnight" o'clock.
  15. Squad is on Central Time. As it should be. After all, all space related stuff operates on Houston's clock.
  16. That's silly. If they had control, they could have delayed and released when they put in the stuff that needs to be in.
  17. It's a shame that Squad has no control over when they release their game.
  18. Oooooh! Are we doing this thread again? Someone needs to post the maps from the last few times, and then we can argue about the overuse of "things that start with 'K'".
  19. It's an acceptable variant spelling. It's not common these days, but it's still valid.
  20. Yeah, that one took me a moment to realize what it was. I'll miss the old modded interior for it, too.
  21. Where are your youtube videos? That's what these are. They release early to people that will post on youtube and generate more hype.
  22. I'd go with Heinleinville. That would depend on where it was. Utopia Planitia covers a large area.
  23. This needs to happen. There's no reason for it to exist.
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