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Everything posted by razark

  1. The meatball is old. So are a lot of countries' flags. That doesn't mean we need to go replacing them with something else. "Progress" for the sake of progress is not progress. It's silliness. Changing the logo didn't actually accomplish anything, except require a lot of changes in signs, stationery, vehicle paint jobs, etc. Why bother changing it? Did someone call a meeting and say "You know, this logo is old. It's the same one we went to the moon with. We need to move away from that image and reinvent ourselves! We don't want anyone thinking we can't keep up with the times." I like the stars. Without them, it just looks so flat and lifeless. (That goes for the worm logotype, too.)
  2. That's just taking wrong and making it wronger.
  3. Hate the worm. Meatball forever!
  4. In general, the videos should avoid recreating actual space disasters, especially those that result in people dying.
  5. The crew survives the initial explosion. The crew cabin separates from remaining vehicle. The crew remains alive until being killed when the cabin impacts. It's very close to what happened to Challenger and her crew.
  6. I liked the previous videos. This last one hit home a bit too hard. It shouldn't have been done like that.
  7. I don't have a problem with people crossing military with KSP if they feel like it. There's been a lot of crossover in the real world; almost all of the early space launchers were built from military hardware, the early astronauts were military pilots, and even today the pilots are usually active duty military. The difference between a missile and a space launcher is what's programmed into the guidance system.
  8. So clean and shiny! And the stickers haven't started peeling off! (Yet...) Hrm. The top of that looks slightly different from the one I have. The top of my Saturn V doesn't have the cone shaped piece. The cylindrical one is topped by a piece just like the dish is mounted on in the rover picture. (Also, I misplaced that cylinder at some point. Right now, it's grey instead of white.)
  9. Meh. "Kerbal" rolls off the tongue easier than "KSP" when talking. People know the meaning being conveyed. Now, if there we multiple "Kerbal X Program"s for assorted values of X you might have a point.
  10. By gods, we're talking about a children's playtoy! It's not as though it's an actual piece of Apollo hardware or the godsdamn Mona Lisa.
  11. If he opens it and builds it, it's an Apollo Lego set. If he doesn't open it, it ceases to be a a Lego set, and becomes simply an object.
  12. Wow. At this moment, the Saturn V and CSM sit on my dresser, and the LM is on top of my computer at work. The rover is either mixed in with the kids' stuff, or possibly on the bookshelf in the hallway.
  13. The time spent turning will still be extremely small compared to the entire rest of the voyage. If your ship takes more time to turn around than burning, you need to go back to the drawing board. What about it? Periods of zero-g don't negate the usefulness of a normal deck organization during travel time.
  14. It's not my fault if they get something right for the wrong reasons. For 2001, the spaceship was purposely designed without radiator panels, specifically to avoid looking like it had wings.
  15. Large, flat panels with lots of surface area? Those aren't wings. They're radiators.
  16. That was more a reaction to the lack of justification of motorcycle riding having dangers being followed by the specific need to wear safety equipment.
  17. Did you read the article to find out if he had been in Iraq for the entire time?
  18. I tend to modify some mods. For the clouds, I never visit Jool or Eve, so I delete those from the mod. Does CKAN let me do that?
  19. KSP is not addictive at all. Now stop distracting me. I've got to get in one more mission before I go to work on this fine Thursday.
  20. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905
  21. That's old-style. For the modern space traveler, any sort of food is appropriate. Just freeze-dry and reconstitute it first.
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