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Everything posted by razark

  1. But if there are achievements for it, it just means there's a list somewhere and someone's defined boxes for you to check off. And that's because you define your own list. Which is how I like the game to be. Further to my point, in your examples the goal is "can I do it", not "how can I get this little trophy"? It's the doing it that is the reward.
  2. I like that idea. I might have to start trying it myself, once life settles down a bit.
  3. Thank you for what you've done. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to take up next.
  4. Arguing over the minute details of how a lightsaber works, in a FTL, force-using, galaxy-spanning civilization. When part of the story is based on pure unexplained magic, and another on impossible unexplained science, you just kind of go with the magic impossible sword, too.
  5. Suffer the dread that comes with knowing that the summer is over and you didn't manage to do even a quarter of what you had planned to do, and that soon your chances to even have a summer vacation will end forever as you finally enter into the dreary workforce existence of the rest of the wage-slave drones slogging away at the same thing, day in and day out, fifty-two weeks a year. Or, you know, whatever you feel like doing.
  6. Total social isolation. Asking for an alternative to facebook is like saying "Well, I got rid of the cancer, so now I need another disease."
  7. A. Isn't going there and doing that the reason for doing it? Otherwise, you're reducing it to just "do thing to check off another box on the list". (Which is already in the game in the R&D Center, isn't it?) B. Any "achievement" system should be part of, and make sense within the context of, the game itself, not an external system. See the Final Frontier Mod for a good system that works for KSP.
  8. I've got a group that meets weekly, for the last eight years (some members even longer), for gaming. D&D (3.5), World of Darkness, and a handful of other games, including one guy's homebrewed sci-fi system. We usually run a couple of games at a time, alternating each week, and switching out who is running the game.
  9. I have occasionally seen a license plate with "STS (number)" around here. I just have to wonder who's driving the car.
  10. razark


    That's the wrong book! You have been reported to the Ministry of Love as a thought criminal!
  11. razark


    I love Big Brother.
  12. razark


    Two plus two is five, because the Party says so.
  13. Ah, the venerable B-1RD. And with the classic inverted inverted gull wings, no less.
  14. No. They are more like "[redacted]ing [redacted]er, [redacted] your [redacted] with a [redacted] [redacted] and a [redacted] [redacted]-[redacted] 45 degree twist [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]ing [redacted]er! And twice on Tuesday!"
  15. I do not think that I can come up with, nor would the moderators allow, words strong enough to express exactly how much I hate you right now, sir.
  16. Sounds like some impressive sights. I've never had that experience, but during the aftermath of Hurricanes Ike and Harvey I was at the same location, which happens to line up pretty closely with one of the runway approaches to Ellington Field. I was able to sit and watch a string of C-130s and C-17s coming in for a few days.
  17. I refer to humans as animals, so do I get to refer to animals as animals, then? And if I do not know the gender of an individual animal, I am perfectly grammatically correct in using the English third-person gender-neutral pronoun. (And that applies to nonhuman and human animals.) The problem of complaining about calling animals "animals" and not calling humans "animals" is that we also grant humans a lot of rights we don't grant animals. Can't keep humans as pets, or eat them, or use them for medical research without their consent. Dogs, cats, and mosquitoes are not capable of signing a contract or obtaining a driver's license. There's a difference in the way we deal with the two groups for a reason.
  18. I wasn't even trying that time. I just stumbled across it while scanning around. It took me a moment before I realized what I was hearing.
  19. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
  20. I don't have autocorrect. It does phone and text messaging, and nothing else. The messaging is a royal pain, since it takes me 5 minutes to type in a simple message, and if there are multiple people involved, my phone tends to get confused. For the last year or so, it keeps telling me I have a message that I can't access, or delete, or interact with in any way at all. The thing is, I spend my day at work staring at a screen, either working or surfing the net. I get home, and I spend my nights staring at a screen, watching tv/videos/movies, gaming, or surfing. I fear what would happen if I had a portable screen that I could use anywhere/anytime. (Plus, I get lots of amusement watching my friends argue over who gets to use the charger, while I charge mine once or twice a week.)
  21. Ok. How about a thing about NASA's emergency communications system with ISS in the event of a contingency that prevents direct contact between MC and the astronauts? Wow. I'm not the only one that has a flip phone? (Mine is without an internet connection, though.)
  22. It really is. Although, to be honest, it's happened once in the '80s during the Shuttle program, and the sum of it was basically "Yeah, we know there's a problem; just hold on for a bit until MC fixes it, please." However, most of the astronauts are trained and licensed to use ham radio, and use it to talk to schools as a PR thing. I've actually caught one side of it (the uplink and downlink are on different frequencies) while sitting in my minivan in a gas station parking lot. I could hear the answers, but not the questions they were being asked.
  23. Shame. Did you know the JSC Amateur Radio Club (W5RRR) can (and has) acted as emergency communications to manned spaceflight missions? This means that random people that just happen to show up can act as CAPCOM.
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