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Everything posted by razark

  1. Then you should have served it proudly, while asking why a teacher has the authority to order you to do any such thing. "An oath compelled by force has no moral quality, and so England can never claim rightfully any validity for an oath of allegiance to her given under stress of arms." Loyal Traitors: A Story of Friendship for the Filipinos Raymond L. Bridgman "An oath compelled before an audience of pampered sycophants is just another lie..." Tower Lord Anthony Ryan "... an oath compelled by force could not be held to bind." King John in Fouke le Fitz Waryn
  2. They're both terrible. I will continue to use butter on my toast.
  3. And if you hadn't? Coerced groupthink is extremely silly.
  4. I thought maybe the neighbor was unloading a truck full of construction materials. I looked outside, but didn't even think to look up. I was living in Tyler, TX at the time. We were north of where most of the debris fell. I was really kind of glad about that.
  5. I still remember the sound that morning. I didn't realize what it was until much later. Then the news alert of the lost communication. I called my parents as soon as the reports of debris sighting were mentioned; my mom told me that my dad had already been called in. That was the beginning of months working 18+ hour days, and I think he still feels some guilt over the loss. I had lived a number of years in Nacogdoches, TX. Seeing the remains of a ship I had grown up with scattered over a town I knew was heartbreaking.
  6. When my parents lived in Cleveland in the early '70s, they recorded four cassette tapes worth of music from the radio. A lot of folk-type stuff, not the mainstream stuff that's really remembered today. When we went on vacations, we would drive, and those tapes were what we listened to. Over the years, I've tried to figure out what the songs on the tapes were, since they were not labeled beyond I, II, III, and IV. Many of them seem to have become somewhat obscure and forgotten. (The coming of the internet has largely reversed that, though.) Thank you for adding one more song/performer data point to my set.
  7. Step 1: Mod idea. Step 2: Make the mod.
  8. I didn't say anything about his writing. This thread is about 90% you complaining about how the writers of TLJ carried out their jobs. But carry on. I think I still see a little bit of recognizable hoof over there.
  9. An insult... You're. We covered this already. If you're going to complain about others' writing, cover your own posterior first.
  10. Sorry. Sometimes, when I see an example of bad writing, I just can't let it go and move on with my life, until I make sure everyone knows how I feel. No hard feelings, Chief.
  11. What a concept! Would that more could grasp it. Indeed.
  12. Some?!? I see (hear, more often) T-38s nearly every day. There's the three WB-57s that show up once in a while (they have their own distinct sound, like nothing else around here). There's the Guppy that shows up occasionally. There's a few business jets and the C-9 that replaced the Vomit Comet, as well. And that's just JSC/Ellington Field. There's numerous other centers, many of them with aircraft they operate. Edwards AFB is home to Armstrong Flight Research Center. It's not just a landing site for space shuttles.
  13. My problem with the early tech tree is that it's the same. Every time I restart a career, if I have X mod, I'm going to do A, B, C, then D before it's any different. If I use mod Y, it's E, F, G, then H. Stock, it's going to be I, J, K, etc.. Add KCT on top of that, and it becomes a bit tedious to run through it, especially since I have my own record keeping system to update for each flight.
  14. Frederick Frankenstein (pronounced 'Fronkensteen')
  15. Well, to be fair, we did. When I was a kid, it was a moonbase by 2000.
  16. I thought that was for exams on Thursdays. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
  17. Spouses who aren't where they say they are...
  18. I actually have the first computer our family had. It's a Sinclair ZX-81, built from a mail-order kit. It hooked up to a tape player for storage.
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