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Everything posted by razark

  1. I've found the uninstall tends to leave a lot of cruft behind that needs to be manually removed. And the mod, even after uninstall, remains highly resource demanding.
  2. Updating a single datum in a database. Where clauses, very important. (8543 row(s) affected)... oops?
  3. Well, I'm going to be in the hotel the week before it releases. I need something to occupy my time.
  4. No, I'm not from Australia. I speak English.
  5. That works for me. C'mon, Squad! You're almost 180 days late already! Oh, you meant this year?
  6. I just wish she'd get on with it and get her crap out of my house already.
  7. True. But it's taken on new meaning for me lately.
  8. It's worked for hundreds of thousands of years.
  9. The toughest helmet is no match for plot armor.
  10. There are exactly two differences between a rocket and a missile. A) Where the guidance system sends it, and 2. The payload.
  11. Especially if you keep sucking wreckage through one.
  12. Helicarriers are dumb. Let's look at this: It's an aircraft carrier supported by four giant helicopter rotors. Now, look at the landing area*. If an aircraft misses the wire, the path is going to take it STRAIGHT OVER THE ROTOR! The rotor provides lift by sucking air from above and blowing it down. You've already missed the wire, and now you're taking your craft into a massive downdraft! Who came up with this dumb idea? *Why? No, seriously, why does this exist? An angled deck flight deck exists so that landing aircraft aren't using the entire length of the deck and plowing into the aircraft on the forward area. But if you notice, the landing flight deck is elevated above the launching flight deck. There's not even a reason for it to be angled in the first place.
  13. Forgive me, but I really don't feel like looking back through the thread to find the original proposal. Was the idea that each SOI would have it's own timeline shared by the users within it, and they can only adjust where they are in space, and not time? If so, what would control the position of planets? I'm guessing that would be covered by the timeline of the sun's SOI?
  14. You don't say... Yes, let's not get into that here, please.
  15. I'm not sure that would require actual multiplayer KSP, though. Simply comparing the amount of funds plus "assets" in a save file against other people's at certain points of time would cover it, and be much simpler to implement.
  16. The problem is that it exists as a mod, and is always going to have problems because of the way it needs to handle its tasks. An integrated multiplayer system would have direct access to the code, and wouldn't rely on various tricks to do the work.
  17. Or condolences? (I mean, has anyone notified his family where he is?)
  18. Several times now, you've thrown the accusation that I am trolling. I'm sorry, but I've addressed your points, and told you why DMP does not answer my objections. All you've done in response is say that DMP solves everything, while pointing out how it is doing exactly what I oppose. Who, then, is trolling? And why do you insist on making it personal?
  19. It's been made clear to me that it allows paradoxes. I am opposed to paradoxes. DMP's solution does something that I am opposed to. Therefore, I do not need to try it. Just try admitting DMP allows paradoxes, and that some users will be opposed to it. I already stated that we would disagree, but the DMP crowd keeps claiming that it solves all the issues.
  20. No. It. Don't. 30 GOTO 10 So, you just don't care that it's paradoxical, will declare that DMP solves everything even though it doesn't, and ignore the fact that your entire post points out a a bunch of paradoxical situations, which I have said is my problem with DMP's method. I'm kind of tired of being told that if I just ignore the paradoxes, the paradoxes won't bother me. I know the feeling.
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