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Everything posted by razark

  1. I am currently annoyed with Newcastle Brown Ale. When I last dealt with them, their labels came off very easily after just a soak in hot water, but now they've switched to some plastic thing that requires a lot more effort to remove. Edit: And the glue is not as easy as the old stuff. At least it comes off well enough with some rubbing alcohol. Now I need to go to the store for more alcohol.
  2. Yeah, I noticed that after I posted, of course.
  3. I'm pretty sure she's not.
  4. I thought she was a mechanic/driver. As for the title question: No.
  5. I am annoyed by "old family recipes". So many of the ones I've received are a list of ingredients, sometimes with a measurement, and instructions like "bake in the usual way" or even just "cook". Some of the steps seemed strange (soak the onion in milk before simply adding it all to the mix?), until I took the time to think about the context they were written in. (Oh! Grandma used dried onion! That makes sense now!)
  6. Ok... Yeah. I'm with you on that one. That's just a little bit much. (Like I said, I haven't seen STD at all.)
  7. Well, why not? TOS had a giant space amoeba: And before you get too harsh with me, no, I haven't seen ST:D at all.
  8. And you're willing to believe this was done by the wealthy class, and not the poor people, scrapping by, trying to make use of the parts of the animal that were left after the "real" meat had been consumed?
  9. When you have to eat less-than-desirable food, and eat the same less-than-desirable food every day for decades, you end up having a strong motivation to find a new way to prepare it. Or are you actually going to suggest it was some wealthy nobleman who said "Chef, please fetch me some snails from the garden, because I have grown bored eating the finest beef.", rather than someone with nothing else edible in sight saying "Boiled cabbage again?!? I think I'd rather eat this snail than taste the same boiled cabbage I've had every single day of my life!" Some movie quote about most Scottish food being based on a dare comes to mind.
  10. Is not every peasant their own chef? I'm not aware of many peasants that are able to hire a kitchen staff. They, at best, would be the kitchen staff. Also, the peasants would be the ones left with the less desirable foods, and the lesser portions, and would be looking for ways to improve what they had.
  11. I always figured bread was a progression from "The seeds are hard to eat, I'll soak them in hot water" to someone leaving their bowl of porridge a little too close to the fire for a little too long. Humans are always trying new things with food. Some of them just happen to work out and stick around.
  12. My guess is that the flavor was rather lacking, and someone was looking for a way to make it more palatable. As for the invention of eating various creatures, I'd venture that it was probably along the lines of "I can either eat this thing, or die of starvation." And most of those are now considered "gourmet" items. From what I've heard, lobster was actually once the food of the poor, since it was quite plentiful, and relatively easy to obtain, if one lived near the shore.
  13. Strictly true, but from the general flow of it, proceeded directly by the Saturn V launch and flight taken from the regular series intro, which are followed by scenes of Apollo landings, I think it is safe to assume that was the intent. However, the spacesuit in that shot doesn't fit. I'm going to take the liberty of completely ignoring it and insist that I am absolutely correct anyway. So !
  14. At 2:36, you see the Apollo landing, with the Mirror Universe flag swapped for the American flag. Therefore, the point of divergence must have been much earlier than the event depicted in the opening.
  15. Now I'm thinking that some tasks could even be handed over to "ground control", such as handling the navigation, and then letting the pilot-player handle the actual maneuvers.
  16. A: That sounds like it might work on a planetary transfer with a large ship, but with something on the order of a small Mun lander, with the controls all in different hands? Coordination sounds like a nightmare! Then throw in a bit of lag at the wrong moment. B: This sounds somewhat more logical a way to divide tasks, but Science seems a bit thin to justify a player dedicated to it. Same with working the camera. Four players, three seats on the ship. This leads to a problem. Also, "Player Only, not the Kerbal itself"? What does the "disembodied" player get to do then? Note: Not saying it's a completely unworkable idea. I'm just noticing some issues that would have to be worked through before considering an implementation of it. (Also, it's going to really annoy the people that want to play Kerbalwar. )
  17. Four players, three seats. Moving discussion to the new thread.
  18. I can see problems with trying that style. For example: What happens when the ship stages, leaving 3 players in one part, and 1 player in the other? You end up back at the impasse of timewarp again. Footnote 1: See, now we have.
  19. A. Sheesh. I still have to explain to my mother what foods I dislike. If I haven't eaten it in three decades, there just might be a reason! B. Disliking tomatoes? There's something seriously wrong with that. This can be true. For years, I was convinced I didn't like shrimp. Turns out, I just don't like the way my mother cooked them.
  20. Oh, come on! We haven't even talked about specifics, and why each method is horribly bad. Yet.
  21. Congratulations on hitting that milestone! And thank you for doing it, too.
  22. And some people dislike this method and would prefer others.
  23. Why? Aircraft have failures, too. Plus, it's a great reason to use some sort of ejection/parachute mod.
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