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Everything posted by razark

  1. Now, that's way too convenient an excuse, don't you think? Haven't you heard? "Burden of proof" isn't a thing on the internet.
  2. Yeah, after I asked, I unpacked 1.4 and ran it. No message appeared. Thought it might have been a possibility.
  3. Is it really missing, or is it not asked because a previous version already asked and the setting was carried forward?
  4. If it does, would you really expect those responsible for putting it there to be honest and tell you it does?
  5. That is going to be fun for you. In all honesty, though, I haven't really had time to even play 1.4 yet. The day is full of training, and the nights have been busy with social interaction with coworkers from around the country that I've been too exhausted to bother with it. I'm not even sure how well it would work on my laptop. Aside from that, I like my mix of mods, and it's probably going to be a while before they all get updated (if they even do...). I'm going to have to at least try it (or maybe 1.3.1, since I have it ready to go) during one of the breaks in training tomorrow. I'd like to be able to say I at least tried to land on the Mun while hanging out at von Braun's old stomping grounds.
  6. The Texas Office of the Attorney General.
  7. This is disappointing. I was hoping to be able to use it for early aircraft testing.
  8. Whether or not it's true, I don't care. No matter how much longer the battery lasts, even if it was days, it still means you have to use Edge. I mean, if they offer you a single dollar or a billion, it's still not enough to stick your head in a woodchipper.
  9. I refuse to buy the DLC. Simply put, I believe that Squad is acting in a manner that is completely unfair. I'd fully intended to acquire the DLC, and complain long and loudly about some vague, unfounded concerns I have, and then demand my money back because it didn't live up to my completely baseless preconceptions, but since I get it for free, I am not able to do so. Damnit, Squad, I want valid reasons to complain, too!
  10. I know. Hard to believe it's so cheap. Well, then. I guess your silence speaks volumes. Squad, you have betrayed me with your refusal to bow to my demands for an early release to satisfy my boredom these long evenings alone in a motel room. This travesty shall not be forgotten*. You have mere hours to resolve this growing divide you have opened between us. *At least until next week, when you do release it, anyway.
  11. I'm at MSFC for a week of training. Got in to town way to early to check in to the hotel, so my coworker and I went to the visitor center. Their Saturn V display is better than the one at JSC, but it's not flight hardware, like ours. They also have an Apollo capsule mockup you can get in. Very cramped, amazing that three people could fly around the moon in that thing. Anyway, I got to try SCE to Aux.
  12. Sorry to see him go. I was surprised to find out he was only 75, though.
  13. Oh, well. Old sci-fi could be kind of odd. *blink* *shakes head* *goes back to sipping bourbon*
  14. Use the LES? Once or twice. I usually jettison it without using it, however.
  15. Well, the option directly above "Mission Editor" is "Play Missions", and the linked thread explicitly states: Makes it pretty clear that it is a new mode. I can't cite where, but it's also been stated in at least one Weekly thread that it is a separate mode, not linked into the already existing campaign modes.
  16. Yeah, I use those as a last resort. I find they don't really make good coffee in the machine, as well as the sludge. I know I've used the Community Coffee before without the problem.
  17. I've used three different machines over a few years now. I don't recall it ever happening, except when I used some of the reusable cups.
  18. Indeed. Even though they add nothing to the gameplay, I can't play without mods like Chatterer, Docking Sounds, Wheel Sounds, and until it was added, the RCS sounds.
  19. It's called code for a reason. If it's hard to write, it should be hard to decipher. On more than one occasion: "What is this? What was this guy thinking? What kind of imbecile would try to get something like that to work?!?" "Oh, wait. That was my code. Well, at least I know it works."
  20. I'd agree with this, but my life has so little coding in it that by the time I get around to needing to remember it, I won't.
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