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Everything posted by razark

  1. The question is how do you define "first"? By the clock in the game, or the clock on the wall? If A takes a week of real time to get to the Mun in 3 hours of in-game time, and B takes 4 days to get to the Mun in 5 years of game time, which one was "first"? If you're going by the clock on the wall, then it's not a space race, it's a timewarp race.
  2. The last time we got snow, it made national news.
  3. Diameter: 5'8", or 68 inches, so radius 34 inches. Volume of sphere: 164636.21 in^3, or 712.7 gallons. Density of water: 8.34 pounds per gallon 5943.918 pounds So, You are standing between me and a lake. I hold out my hand, and nearly 3 tons of water is now moving towards you at some velocity. How fast does three tons of water need to hit you to cause damage?
  4. I just cannot... I... But... How do you live your life while being so wrong? The Simon and Garfunkel version evokes a sadness at a lack of connection to humanity. The Disturbed version screams anger about it. It's not what the I feel writer was trying to convey. Both are important reactions, but the remake is almost a complete 180 from the original. Maybe. But you're still wrong.
  5. I'm just glad to know that one of my coworkers doesn't need to update dates on parking passes anymore.
  6. Many things should be, and in a sane world would be. But they aren't, and single-point failures are much more common.
  7. As my coworker says, "'Should' should be a four letter word."
  8. "It's midnight, and they've gone over everything five times already today," the intern thought. He settled down for a quiet shift, put his headphones on, and started watching through some Youtube videos. A hot cup of coffee nearby slowly changed to warm, lukewarm, and then room temperature. Suddenly, the phone rang.
  9. I was away camping this weekend, so only found out about it when I got home today. I'm kind of stunned, since this B-17 has been around my area for years, and I've seen her flying around many times. I just saw her two weeks ago, when she was at the Houston airshow. It looks like she wasn't carrying passengers this flight, at least.
  10. Existence is therefore evidence that someone really wanted an apple pie.
  11. Combat vs. non-combat rules. In fighting, you get short sequences of action, the enemy can defend itself, move around, etc. Things get abstracted. If you stab a sleeping character in a fatal spot, the rules are allowed to align better with reality.
  12. A large amount of our agricultural chemicals come from the petrochemical industry. No fertilizers means a much lower crop yield. Lower crop yield means cows and people don't get enough to eat. Less food -> less people/cows. Less people/cows -> less poop. Less poop -> less poopgas for fuel. Well, if we can't support the large population of either, than no, it's not inexhaustible. You have to feed something into the front end of the production chain to get a yield.
  13. As the D&D manual states: A dagger through the eye is a dagger through the eye. If these people present a danger to the status quo, they will very quickly be eliminated. Yup. But you gave these people superpowers. How else to prevent them from disrupting society than through harsh measures?
  14. No, I have not. Somehow, I've never gotten around to it.
  15. Problem: I want to set that thing on fire. Thing is some distance away from me. Solution: I will use a device that throws flames at thing. Result: I have thrown flames at thing, however there is no oxidizer available for thing to continue burning, so thing is not on fire but merely somewhat warmer than it was. A spaceflamethrower should not use a mix of fuel + oxidizer sufficient for the amount of fuel, but a mix of fuel + an extreme amount of oxidizer. The problem then becomes "How do I keep the oxidizer in contact with the additional fuel (thing that I want to set on fire)?".
  16. Nah, reasonable opposition is perfectly fine. I have a prior post in this thread that isn't exactly supportive of the release plan. Entitled whining can pound sand, though. Have you ever seen the movie 12 Angry Men with Henry Fonda? Great character study. Whole thing takes place in a jury room, as they debate the fate of the defendant. Touches on evidence, witnesses, prejudice, and people's desires vs. doing what's right. Really good film. Basically, what it boils down to is: go watch a good movie, rather than getting your knickers in a twist over a damn game you've not paid for, and won't even have a chance to play for almost half a year.
  17. Results: 3 clean plates 5 broken ones A mangled spoon stuck in the garbage disposal Half the silverware missing And he rest of the dishes needing to be washed again
  18. Sometimes, people really need to think about this, and what it really means:
  19. Don't know, don't care, isn't relevant. You realize that this is exactly how a business operates, right? You've paid them nothing. You're owed nothing. If it's that upsetting, walk away.
  20. It's amazing how well that suff buys groceries and pays the rent. You get a lot more for it than you do with "making random people happy on the internet".
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