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Everything posted by razark

  1. I'm actually curious. How would it change anything to know more about the game now? If the devs suddenly opened up the books and told you every detail about every system that currently exists in the game, what changes? It doesn't change the release date, it doesn't prevent future delays, it doesn't change what actually gets released on whatever that date is, it doesn't give you any more input into the game's development than you have now. So what does knowing more than the devs have already said gain you? What do you get out of knowing details about a work in progress that is very likely to change before you ever get a chance to interact with?
  2. How would your life change, right now, if they released every bit of information about the game they possibly can?
  3. They could be delaying showing off multiplayer because they know it will generate a lot of hype, and want to hold until closer to release when they can ride that wave into high sales.
  4. There are two of them. One is oxygen, the other is hydrogen. From what I see, the one pictured is the hydrogen tank. So yes, it's fuel. And also water (some assembly required).
  5. 3. Exterminate both through not choosing 1 or 2 I misread that.
  6. It would have all the stuff I like and add in the stuff I wish it had, but wouldn't have the stuff I don't. Also, it would be so perfect that I wouldn't have to describe what those things are.
  7. There's a park in the area that has one of those. I've never seen another one like it. The rest of the playground equipment was removed long ago, and it's been closed off, but it is still there.
  8. A lot. Especially for the last 14.5 years. Slightly longer version, now that I have a moment: I've spent almost 15 years working for contractors, first for JSC, and recently, KSC. Before that, my father was an electrical engineer for NASA for 35 years, from Apollo-Soyuz through the Shuttle program, and my mother worked for several companies and the agency before retiring. The street I grew up on, everybody worked for the agency in some way, except for the college professors across the street. That whole area would have been naught but cow pastures and marshes without the center existing.
  9. You propose magic helicopter force blades. Why would you worry about dragging reality into it? If you want an SSTO in scifi, just write it into the story, and skip the details of if it would actually work. Of course it works, because it's used in the story! If it didn't work, it wouldn't be in the story! A rocket powered SSTO? Use it, because it fits the story. A helicopter SSTO? Write it in, because it fits the story. A jet powered SSTO? Why not, if it fits the story? A human sacrifice powered SSTO? Sure, because it fits the story. A bunch of birds tied to the outside of the craft to lift it into space, which makes it an SSTO because anything in space is automatically in orbit? Sure, who the hell cares, it's scifi and whatever BS explanation you make up is what works because it's your story and that's how it works! A space wizard powered SSTO? Sure, because it fits the story. A completely unexplained system that is just an SSTO because the story needs an SSTO? Sure, because it fits the story. It's scifi. Who the hell cares if it's a freak of engineering? Does it fit the story?
  10. No, because PEMDAS isn't a thing, it's simply a series of initials to help you remember the order of operations. Why does your list of steps include multiplication before division, and addition before subtraction? Multiplication IS division, so they occur at the same level of priority. The same as subtraction being addition.
  11. Damn right! We're such big supporters of the game that we demand the employees not get paid for their work on the project! They're only doing their jobs as a cash grab!
  12. Every time I see something like this brought up, I'm amazed. Were people taught that "pemdas" (or other variants) was a rule or method, rather than a mnemonic device to remember order of operations? Or do people think the solar system is made up of the sun and My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos, too?
  13. Instead of moving the air across the vehicle to provide aerodynamic lift, have a bunch of tubes pointing downward to create thrust to move the vehicle upwards.
  14. What mystery? It was pretty obvious from the title and first post. I'm doing bratwurst and pasta salad tonight. Although,
  15. I was there on business a little over 4 years ago. Not bad. The vertical stack of the Saturn V is really something to see. If you don't take the time to stop, at least drive by so you can get a view of it.
  16. I say they should stick to tradition and dump it on Australia again.
  17. For me, it's a sign that I just bought a new desk, because I've switched from "waiting to return to the office" to "permanent work-from-home job". Give it a couple of months, though...
  18. That thing was flying around here a couple weeks ago. It's so damn weird to see it up in the air when it looks like it just shouldn't.
  19. What is "better"? Who decides what that is? "other stuffs" Can you be any more vague about what you're asking for? Edit: I would consider more immersive, "living" IVA environments to be better, even if they don't let me run an entire mission from an IVA view. Other people may have the opposite opinion. Either one of us may be "right", but if you don't specify what you want, you might end up with something you don't want.
  20. This raises the question "are DLC parts considered KSP1 parts?".
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