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Everything posted by razark

  1. After eating 50 eggs, I've decided eggs are inedible. On the other hand, I've decided that after 5 hours playing, the game is unenjoyable.
  2. Ah. Macrotransactions only, then. Pay 1000 to get 5 more likes today!
  3. What's the going rate to get downvotes? (As if y'all aren't having enough fun with keeping the place in order...)
  4. After focusing on a target in map view, switching out and returning to map view refocuses on the currently active craft, rather than remaining on the focus I had set. Where's the farkin' screenshot key?
  5. Meh, y'all are way too optimistic. I bet that T2 is going to come in and break your kneecaps if you don't pay enough to get to the Mun. So, don't pay them for that and play the game, instead?
  6. I'm excited to see what mods people come up with.
  7. Why? What is the source and context for this image?
  8. I saw one video where it was pointed out that it did not exist.
  9. Yeah, I'll admit I missed the reference to KSP1. I just figured that since this was in the KSP2 section, that we should stay on topic...
  10. I've tried several times, and can't get this to work in KSP2. Are we sure this is possible?
  11. Still not too late for it to be cancelled.
  12. I wish I could have more seafood, but my youngest decided that he will just stop breathing if he eats it.
  13. Running KSP on a NASA computer was actually pretty bad.
  14. Well, someone just got this one stuck in my head again. Just following orders to drag it back to the surface.
  15. "Having a blast" is what they're terrified of.
  16. Correct. 0.9 is 90% of 1. 0.999... however, is not the same thing. It's 1. Insisting that being wrong is correct does not make you correct. No, it's 1.
  17. Without getting into specifics that might lead things into political discussions (any conversation about what groups of people should do is, by definition, politics), try to find local groups that you can work with to solve what you see as the issues that need to be dealt with. Spreading effort out amongst a group is going to be a lot easier than trying to do anything yourself, and we are a social species after all. Struggling by yourself against what seems like overwhelming odds is only going to lead to frustration. Start small, local, and slow to build up a community, and don't worry about trying to change everything all at once. Find allies that will work with you not necessarily to reach your goals, but a goal that everyone can accept.
  18. If 3 == "no", then 2 cannot be answered. 2 is a required response, therefore the poll is invalid. But 0.99... does equal 1.
  19. Yes. Do you actually have any? Exactly, yet you keep pounding it as though it's the only possible explanation, discarding any other possible explanations. Many, but you keep throwing them out, because they don't fit your preconceptions. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", or something. Burden of proof is yours. Further, plenty of valid ideas have been presented, but again, you keep throwing them out, because they don't fit your preconceptions. Seems to be the running theme of your posts here. Frankly, if you don't understand why or how the X-37B could be used for anything other than your pet theory, it simply points to a lack of imagination of your part.
  20. Seriously, aside from "with a big enough hammer, I can fit this peg into whatever hole I find", do you have any real evidence that makes your hypothesis any better than the many proposed alternatives that have been posted?
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