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Everything posted by razark

  1. You're unhappy that they said they didn't expect to do more than two hotfixes, and then did two hotfixes. Because their communications are so bad that you can't believe them when they say they're doing a limited number of things. If they had accidentally messed up and released three, we'd be reading complaints that they lied about it, anyway. What's the point in complaining that they're not communicating properly, when what they communicate is all assumed to be lies (whether from incompetence, malice, or whatever) in the first place?
  2. If only they had clearly said what that meant... But then, if they said it, it wouldn't matter, because anything they say is completely and utterly suspect.
  3. Just wondering, have you ever worked fast food? To quote a previous thread: Pay as little as the law allows, and what level of giving a damn about the job do you really expect? You didn't pay him. You just paid the company, which does as much as it can to pay him as little as it can. He doesn't care. He just wants a complaining customer to shut up and go away. He'll tell you whatever he can to get you to leave and let him get on with his night. He's not going to get a bonus for helping. He's not going to get anything except yelled at by management if he doesn't do the bare minimum to keep you from calling in and complaining later. And it went right in one ear and out the other, because you're just one more customer in a long line of people that pass by. And exactly why does that matter to the lowest guy on the ladder? He shows up, does the bare minimum, gets paid the bare minimum, and that's it. Just out of curiosity, how much do you usually tip the guy at the window, and how much less did you give this time for the poor service?
  4. It could be a case of "we wanted to find a better solution by this point, but as we haven't, we're going to do what we can to make it tolerable while we continue to work on the long-term fix".
  5. First, I'm not sure why this just popped up, since it was posted a while ago. Strange. No, it was whether the posts we got were truthful and accurate. The start of this was basically accusing the company of putting out inaccurate information or backtracking on some comment posted months ago about a situation that had a high likelihood of changing. I concede that the communication style is bad. No, I'm claiming the communications are worded perfectly fine, and deliberate or accidental misreading of them are a large part of the problem around here. "When X, thenY" is pretty damn clear, really. It does not exclude anything outside of that condition. if ((release_number > previous release) && (release_number >= 1)) price_go_up(); is NOT the same as if (release_number < 1) current_price = current_price; and I can't understand what would make people think it is. Sigh. Really? Please explain in some sort of detail how that statement means anything other than what that statement states. I've never said the communications aren't bad. We just think they're bad for different reasons, I guess. That's pretty clear. The price is lower for EA than it will be for full release. That doesn't mean the price won't change or go on sale during EA. Why would you even think that's what they said? Can you provide the quotes that support that? Or they said exactly what they intended and some people misconstrued it, whether deliberately or accidentally. What point would that be?!? (part of) The community didn't throw a temper tantrum until they announced a sale! What possible reason would they have to correct (part of) the community's misrepresentation of their statement until it was clear (part of) the community misunderstood the statement? We've already established that the devs/PR folks/publisher/managers/company as a whole are incompetent buffoons that have no idea what they're doing, and now we're going to complain that they're not mind readers, either? Badly worded communications are the reason that early purchasers of KSP got free DLC. Something that the new company stood by, by the way. Why would they not be careful about what they say, because (part of) the community will take any opportunity to turn whatever they say against them? Anyway, see previous post.
  6. I agree, but the question still gets brought up on occasion.
  7. "No microtransactions" was clearly stated, but people still post their worries about it being added, so it really doesn't matter what the devs or PR folks say. People are going to read whatever they want into it anyway. Well, the entire premise of the argument discussion is based on it, so I guess there's nowhere to go from here.
  8. I completely agree about them not posting reliably in any single location. It's absolutely ridiculous. Other aspects of their communication strategy also need work. But a lot of people seem to be reading a lot more into what they say than what they actually say. "The game’s price will certainly increase when 1.0 arrives" means one thing, and only one thing. The price will increase when 1.0 is released. They didn't say it wouldn't go up or down before 1.0, or that sales would not occur; they said the price at 1.0 will be higher than the price immediately prior to 1.0.
  9. As I recall, they said the price would go up at 1.0 release. Nothing they've done or said has been contrary to that. They said "we're sticking with [the schedule] for now" three months ago. Are they never allowed to change, or do you really expect a report every two weeks until the game is released?
  10. They missed one on the 25th1, probably because they were busy getting the patch ready. I'd say the patch is more valuable and tells more about the state of bug fixing and game progress than a forum post. It's still less than two weeks since the patch was released. I'd say they're close enough to on-track. 1 And the 8th, if you're holding them to a strict schedule, but again, less than two weeks after the patch.
  11. 3.14 However, the units are unknown.
  12. Jimmy Buffett is having a Cheeseburger in Paradise. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/02/entertainment/jimmy-buffett-death/index.html
  13. I would love to see support for multiple tech trees you can select from at the start of a save, with the ability to create and share custom ones.
  14. Yeah, I was trying to avoid diving into the pool again, but thanks to whiskey, here we are. That's pretty a pretty strong foundation to build a worldview upon. Yeah, I guess you are new here... Arguing over rampant speculation is perfectly on-brand around these parts. It's been going on for a long time. /***************************************** Completely unrelated comment: I love how non-native speakers say this, while using the language better than us native speakers. Please resume the sectarian violence now. *****************************************/ @JoeSchmuckatelli I don't know what sort of response you expected. Honestly, probably best to go hide for a while again and check back in a few months, when we've had a few more posts to argue about discuss. If only I could take my own advice.
  15. Just out of curiosity, what are you trying to say?
  16. If they are posting in public, they are posting in public. Any issue would be on their end as possibly violating an NDA or company policy. If the company doesn't like it, they can have it removed from here. That does leave the question of the claim it really is the person claimed, though.
  17. I can't say I've noticed that first group too much, but I don't go looking into the sections of the forum where they're probably posting. I will agree about those other two groups. Frustrations are running hot on either side of the fence, and with nothing really new to discuss the same points keep getting brought up by both sides and everyone gets mad at everyone else.
  18. Same old arguments from the same old people.
  19. I get the counting, and we can argue over how many days it was, but it's not going to be productive, especially since we're talking about one day. There was a delay, and they didn't specify what caused it or how long it would be immediately. To be honest, they still haven't explained the why. They only specified that the delay was because something caused a small drop in framerates. It just strikes me as complaining that they didn't respond quick enough, when there wasn't really much else they could do. True, but it's not exactly a long delay or a critical issue. If it was something they dragged out for longer than a week, I could understand people being somewhat upset. In the scheme of things, an update to a video game isn't really that big of a deal. I just assume that every date they announce is a "we want to do thing by date", and I'm not sure why anyone else would do otherwise. They announce they're going to try, but dates are dictated by reality, and reality doesn't always match the spreadsheet. The only way they know they can release something on a certain date is if they know it's already in a releasable state. If it's in a releasable state, then they would be able to release it already. Anything else is always going to be an estimate. See above. If they knew how long it was going to take, they would have mentioned a different intended release date in the first place. Unpredictable things have a tendency to be unforeseen. I don't disagree. I just think that the community could try and meet them halfway. I see a lot of people that seem to think that the entire issue is the fault of the devs/the company. A lot of hype was built up for this game, but not all of it was on the dev/company side. I remember a lot of speculation about how the game was going to be based on the community building fantasies on any little bit of information that was released. I wasn't bringing up that incident for any specific reason; it was just something I was quickly able to reference. A lot of people do like to bring up the past actions of the devs, but that's another argument that I really don't intend (or want) to start, so let's please not. It wouldn't be productive for any of us.
  20. How is this different from just installing a computer into any bog standard human body, with a brain interface to provide the "HUD overlay over normal vision to give the user extra info" (there's still a lack of what that info actually is)? Aside from giving the benefit of an internet connected computer with a few additional sensors without an external device (because the device is just wired internally) and letting the computer temporally control muscle functions, what's the benefit? Why a skeleton, and not a gall bladder or adrenal gland or kneecap or other random organ? Why even install it internally, rather than plug it into a USB port in the person, or a device connecting to an interface in the body with Bluetooth?
  21. Crap. Lost track of what day it was. Mea culpa on that one. However, update Friday, then skip Saturday and Sunday, nothing on Monday, more news on Tuesday. I count three, or one if you skip the weekend. I'm not going to deny engaging in some exaggeration1, but I hope my point is not missed anyway. Expecting constant updates every few days is somewhat unreasonable. Is it that much of a loss to not know what's going on for a few days? At worst, people don't get to play a video game as soon as they wanted, or at all. They did announce there was going to be a delay ahead of time, and gave a vague reasoning. What value is it to the community to know the exact details of the reason? Knowing is not going to make the wait any shorter, and any explanation they give is going to be scrutinized and declared to be signs of incompetence or malice, or at best misdirection. 1And it happens on both sides. People literally called a sale an "insult" and "slap in the face".
  22. What does this mean? What interfaces with what? What computer functions does the skeleton provide that the organic body does not? What functions belong to the body, and which to the skeleton? What capabilities does the skeleton have? Does it have it's own senses? Input and output? Autonomous abilities? What "cyber communications" are you assuming to be inherent to a computer or robot? What sort of computer or robot? I've had a computer that wirelessly connects to the internet, and I've had a computer that loaded programs off a cassette tape. You've left a large undefined hole that needs to be filled in. So, it can load DOS? Run a NES emulator? Accepts USB connections? Does it have an ALU only, or are memory and I/O capabilities included? It requires a keyboard and monitor to function? Do I program it in assembly, C, COBOL, JavaScript, or what? Is the program the defining identity or do the organic components attached to it have some say? Why is a skeleton connecting to wireless networks? What part of a skeleton's function requires that? What does the skeleton do? So, where is the "person" in this? Is it in the organic brain? If so, what is the effect of creating an adult human mind out of nothing? Or is it in the computer? Does that mean I can create 50,000 copies of the same "person" by installing the same mind into identical copies of the same hardware? What does it mean if I can create the same "people" over and over again with no repercussions?
  23. They released news on Friday, and went quiet for a couple days. That's just called "a weekend". Gods forbid they have some downtime, rather than be chained to their desks.
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