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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. Possibly. I haven't looked into it yet but I might
  2. Not old EVE, this has been updated to the latest EVE version.
  3. Hey Blackrack, is there a way to change the scatterer radius (scale) while you're not in map view? I'm testing to see what I can do with it on the Mun but it applied it a bit short of what the radius of the Mun is.
  4. Those are awesome! And yes, I do not like it either. I think it's something that EVE is doing and I haven't found a way to change when it starts, if I did, I'd change it in a heart beat, it definitely starts waaaay too high, especially on Eve.
  5. Hiya! Sorry it's been so long everyone! Super busy as of late and I was waiting on some fixes for the mods. However, I am back! And SVE is better than ever. You can see the full changelog below but I feel like I've reworked everything Custom Scatterer support has been added to all atmospheric bodies (I'm looking into non-atmospheric ones next) and the EVE configs have been updated to match the newest layout EVE has. Oh, and the Overhaul version is being deprecated because we no longer need it, there is only the one version now and the versioning is going back into "beta" versioning, just to confuse everyone Any who.... there will more than likely be another update within the next couple of days because Blackrack is finally releasing his beautiful ocean shaders within the next 24 hours, hopefully, so I'll want to mess with those things. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVE v0.5.0 - Reworked cloud configurations on Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, and Jool - Auroras on planets now have a proper glow (only on the day side, night isn't available yet) - Custom Scatterer configurations have been added for Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, and Jool - Eve cloud texture has beeb changed to be better/prettier - Joolian rings are now at a 0° inclination per feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop confusing Jeb and decide on a versioning system! Download it anyways..... Next on my to do list for this is to poke the ocean shaders Blackrack will release soon and to also redo how I implement the Jool cloud textures as I put in a very rough way and I've been putting off fixing it because it'll probably make me scream.
  6. Hmmm..... hyperlinking an image is possible as my signature is doing it but I can't seem to get a newly inserted image to allow me to link to a website when you click on it... Anyone have any tips on working around this?
  7. Unless I am missing something it does not seem we can preview posts before we submit them. Is this correct or am I just dumb/blind? Forget I said that.... we literally see the preview as we make it *facepalm**facepalm**facepalm**facepalm*
  8. Also, I'll update the OP to the new format later today. Not sure if I like this forum update <.<
  9. Hi! Sure that'd be great! I'd love to see them. And I'm now back everybody I do have a lot of things going on these next two weeks as Uni is finishing up but I should be able to finally get an update out by the end of the week!
  10. Yeah, I got the same issues when I tested in OpenGL. Also seems that the issues surrounding whatever is causing the black sky / lag issues hasn't been fixed yet so unfortunatly I can't really update anything until those issues are fixed :(
  11. [quote name='DuoDex']Try again? I think I set it to public-ish this time.[/QUOTE] Ok that might be a bug with OpenGL and on top of that the issues EVE and Scatterer are having with each other right now, I haven't been able to keep up with it lately but I'll check today to see if any progress on this stuff has come about.
  12. [quote name='DuoDex']Using Kopernicus and OpenGL, hang on. [URL]https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByQDrsA9bbW5REU4QXJqMmYxYWM[/URL] Apologies for my second monitor being in the stream, I could not figure out how to get OBS to work. Open with VLC, I couldn't get OBS to work and VLC's streaming settings continue to puzzle me.[/QUOTE] Ok. Well first things first, the video wasn't set to public so I can't watch it xD Second, since you are using OpenGL I think that may be the issue because I think I remember seeing that in my testing as well but I won't be able to check it until tomorrow my time. I'll look into it then and let you know what I find :D
  13. [quote name='DuoDex']After a reinstall, that issue went away...but now I have weird white flashes all over Kerbin. Any help would be appreciated. I can give you a gif or video if you need. it. Definitely using included version of EVE, also using Scatterer (the most recent version). On "release" version.[/QUOTE] Gif or Video would be wonderful. Also worth asking if you're using Kopernicus and if you're using OpenGL, DX9, or DX11 :D
  14. [quote name='DuoDex']:) Also, I'd like to take the opportunity to complain about stuff like this [url]http://i.imgur.com/somdvII.png[/url] Those cities are ugly and blotchy and..ugh,[/QUOTE] Hmm.... That's... really odd looking. I don't know what that's being caused by. Are you using the including version of EVE? Also are you using OpenGL, DX9, or DX11? They shouldn't look like that.
  15. [quote name='DuoDex']So. Scatterer now has multiplanet support! Does this mean SVE-Release willl now support it? :D[/QUOTE] Yes, when time permits I will get to it :) The time I could work on it there were bugs (I don't know if they've been fixed yet or not) with what seemed to be Scatterer and EVE so I couldn't work on it, and now I have no time to work on it or see if the bugs are fixed and probably won't for a week or so giving Thanksgiving is coming up. As soon as I have time I will get an update out though!
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