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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. Just a heads up. Until rbray can find out the issue that is causing Jool to not take cloud textures I'm going to be unable to update this, hopefully he'll figure it out soon though. However! Proot is releasing an updated KSPRC today so everyone can check that out until I can get this updated!
  2. Ahh ok, I can't test the recent versions as my computer decided to throw a temper tantrum but I'll have it fixed soon enough to test it.
  3. Well the EVE-Release includes the version at the bottom so you had the right version. Just making sure you had the latest dev version
  4. Are you using the version that is on Github at the bottom of this page? Image of what you're looking for below.
  5. Yeah... Even though this is going to be a longer QA period, it's more likely to come out at the end of January or early February.
  6. If you're not using cube maps you need to set it to RGBA and specific where the texture is.
  7. Not sure what that one does, haven't messed with that one myself.
  8. Don't include the cube maps? No, you just have to make sure the MainTex is set to RGBA so it doesn't look for them.
  9. No you don't have to convert them to cubes, you have the option between multiple texture layouts Detail speed affects how fast the detail texture moves across the overall main texture The different types is what determines if you want to use cube maps or use the way it has been laid out before.
  10. I haven't tested this version, let me see if it's working at all for me Edit: Can confirm, not working for me either
  11. Thats an old texture and it's no longer in use. And this is on CKAN, at least it's supposed to be. It's marked on KerbalStuff to be, if its not then that's something the CKAN team did. I don't plan on adding "official" support for CKAN until I make a full release.
  12. If you go to his Github, he has release versions there that he doesn't put here
  13. Ok, testing on the latest Github release still has Jool clouds not working. Every time I hit apply I'm getting a NullReferenceException in the debug console. Here's some updated logs just in case something changed. KSP.log output_log.txt Edit: Also just noticed that when going to Jool in map view or the tracking station, it removes the clouds from other bodies as well....
  14. There should be some in there after you run the game with it for the first time.
  15. Yeah noticed this as well too, forgot to say that in the dev thread
  16. You have to have blizzy's toolbar installed and have the SmokeScreen button there to access those parameters. Or you can change it in the actual config file for SmokeScreen.
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