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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. That's my point. Besides a few things like ascent, I don't use many engines. I design my craft to be stable (mostly) in 4x warp, and then just leave that going for between 5 and 30 IRL minutes. If you build them right, this even works for multipart ships. Edit: I should have clarified my other post by adding a paragraph partway through.
  2. You probably have something blocking those engines, then. Also, with 3x the number of engines, you have 3x the fuel usage rate, but the same efficiency. Because of their thrust and their small mass compared to the large orange tank, you should see a faster acceleration than with an LV-909, or even 3 of them.
  3. Just build at at the moon, since it will probably not be very stable under acceleration when you try to move it.
  4. Ignore what was said about the number of LV-Ns for masses. You can use more engines for a higher TWR (and shorter burns) but lowered efficiency (because of more total mass). For a single lander, ideally you use one and if it's close and you really want to shorten the burn time, use two. Also, with proper design you can get anywhere and back with a single ship (and no docking). However, remember that Eve return is the hardest return you can do. For the cost (delta-v, the total acceleration) of ascending from Eve's sea level, you can land on Tylo and come back (and you'll do it with higher Isp).
  5. I've done everything except Tylo and Eve return. I can dock and do multi-part missions, and am working on a Jool mothership now. I think I'm good at KSP.
  6. For space, the dV approaches infinity as the full/dry mass approaches infinity. Since the fuel ratio in tanks is 8:1, you approach a maximum per stage and delta-v as you use more fuel tanks per engine. With one LV-N, you get a bit more than 18000 m/s, and the ion engine gives 34000 (check this). Multiple stages improve this, so you can get liquid-fueled ships without a limit for delta-v (but your framerate will suffer). However, if you make something that can land on Eve and come back (especially from sea level), it can land anywhere and return (with proper piloting).
  7. Yes, your math is correct. Second, if you really want to minimize the mass of your lander, change it so it uses a chair instead. Kerbals add some mass when they are in it, but overall it's much lighter than a full command pod. Two things, though: You'll probably want an RTG or some solar panels for a probe core so you get some control (seats don't give any rotation control), and it might end up slightly off balance from the seat not quite being centered. However, I made a ~6 ton Kerbin ascent vehicle with a seat.
  8. 1. Some people do it with mods that add hinges. Stock, you use landing gear and decouplers. 2. Use qewsad to rotate parts 90 degress, and hold down shift while you do it to rotate in 5 degree increments.
  9. I think it was Zekes that made a sub-0.5 orbiter, but that might have been lost in the forum crash. Make this a challenge.
  10. Moho: The poles. Eve: Large mountain at north (?) pole. Kerbin: Mountains everywhere. Mun: Lots of easter eggs, the poles, and there's a huge ravine opposite Kerbin. It also has a easter egg. Minmus: The mountains. Also some easter eggs. Duna: The poles, and there are some large differences in height. Ike: There's an easter egg here. Dres: The largest ravine in the solar system. Jool: N/A. Vall: An easter egg. Laythe: Islands and lots of water. Tylo: Two easter eggs. Bop: Very mountainous. Pol. Some hills, and low gravity. You also can get a good view of Jool and its moons from any moon there.
  11. Nukes don't have an abusrdly low TWR, but they weigh enough that they are less efficient on smaller ships. 4 LV-909s seem overkill though, you should be doing it with one or two (unless on Tylo).
  12. Show a picture of your ship. Do you have any mods?
  13. You don't need those nosecones, currently they do nothing except add mass and drag. Also, if you built the rocket right (added enough struts) it should be able to withstand the force of your engines at full throttle. At lower altitudes, however, it does help top throttle down so that you stay at terminal velocity. Also, you usually want to make the smallest rocket possible. That rocket (orbit or Mun landing) could be done with 1.25 or 0.625 meter parts.
  14. First, your idea won't work because jet engines won't work on Eve. Second, you need a TWR > 1.7. Third, ascent from sea level is about 11500 m/s, and ascent from the highest mountains is about 7000 m/s, so you'll need good rocket.
  15. Take a picture with F1 of the map view and then print it?
  16. Yeah, most poles either have a really large pyramid-like mountain or a pit, although the nearby terrain is odd no matter where you are (except Kerbin's poles).
  17. If possible, deploy the chutes later (once the atmosphere slows you down). If you are landing somewhere really low, it works on Laythe, and it works on Kerbin and Eve (it's necessary on Eve).
  18. Eve ascent is about 11.5 km/s from sea-level, 7-8 km/s from high areas (with a bit of extra). I suggest aerospikes for the first part (although higher thrust might be necessary), and eventually switching over to the small orange engines and small tanks. 4.5 km/s (Kerbin orbit) can be done in under 6 tons (with a Kerbal on a chair), so you just need to get 6-8 tons to 15000-20000 meters. It's harder than it seems, but it can be done.
  19. Hold down the mouse, it might keep the Kerbal facing the same way if you only thrust forward. Not sure about this though.
  20. Also, note that a few of them can only be seen from orbit, some are floating above the ground, some might be stuck in the ground, and one can't be shown on maps well.
  21. I started work on a Tylo/Laythe lightweight lander. Since it has enough dV to get to orbit with a Kerbal on it (and weighs about 6 tons), I hope it can do it. It seems to be about 2km/s to land on Tylo, and then another 2k to get to orbit again, so the 4.5km/s needed for Kerbin (plus a bit in the EVA jetpack) should be enough. If it can get off Kerbin, it can also get off Laythe, so I don't need to worry about that.
  22. Struts have physics only as strength between parts. They are massless and have no drag (but it can easily be changed in the part file).
  23. I try to keep them alive if they are on an actual mission. If not, they are expendable.
  24. Edit the post and change the topic to start with [ANSWERED!], as far as I know.
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