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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I think I can do this quite reliably. Four satellites taped to a normal mun rocket, deploy two in parking orbit and two in munar orbit.
  2. Those are part of the lander from the Down Under pack.
  3. I shall greet you in a nonconventional fashion until the skunky-imitating peons get here! Hello! Try not to kill too many kerbals!
  4. Fine. Fuck it. I\'m an asshole. I don\'t even care anymore... I give up.
  5. I don\'t mean on this forum. I mean on the others I\'ve been to in the past.
  6. My experiences in the past after trying that method usually ended up in me being told I was wrong and the continued insistence that the work was of the utmost quality and I was but a lowly peon compared to their skills. This most often wouldn\'t be the case but for whatever reason, it felt like it this time after seeing his previous interactions with the community. I guess I was wrong for that part.
  7. Added a bit more explanation to that post.
  8. The fact I told him not to, and he pretty much said 'too bad, I\'m going to anyway'? And you\'re saying that I\'m the bad guy here? You know, if you want me to just leave, I\'m practically packing my bags as-is. You clearly wouldn\'t be complaining - lots of people don\'t like what I\'ve made and would like me to be gone. Really tired of the people who think the game is all about explosions and killing things and destruction, or who don\'t want to learn how to do anything and just expect it handed to them. I\'m tired of the anger and hate, but I don\'t want the devs to cave to these people and ruin the game - that\'s what happened to minecraft...
  9. Dunno why you thought I was actually being serious...
  10. For an on-topic reply: I\'m fine with macs. I just hate apple. They advertise macs as being the 'computer for the rest of us', appealing to those that don\'t know much about computers. For that purpose, it works. But, they charge extremely large amounts for it - exploiting the consumer\'s lack of knowledge.
  11. No no no no no no! Don\'t just group them. Convert one into an editable mesh or poly and use the Attach command to merge the objects.
  12. Seconded. Ping, what the fuck is wrong with you?
  13. Realistic? No. Even worse than the first? Yes.
  14. I seriously cannot express how angry I am that he even considered doing such a thing... What are today\'s youth becoming. (I\'m assuming he\'s a member of these so-called youth. If not, I fear for human civilization.)
  15. Deusoverkill, if you need help with the Kliper configuration when you get to work on that, I can help. People seem to like how Vanguard handles, so I can lend you some info on that.
  16. People already do, sometimes. I\'m sorry if I\'m being harsh, but it just doesn\'t seem like hardly any effort was put into these retextures...
  17. He just opened the textures in paint and clicked around with the fill tool from all I can see... I\'d hardly call it a reskin, even. More of a texture mutilation.
  18. And you think you can just ignore my objections because there\'s three votes in the poll, one of which is almost certainly your own? I made the originals, I deserve a say in it.
  19. Don\'t you dare touch the Silisko Edition parts.
  20. Bastard never stops changing his name. He was impersonating me, temporarily.
  21. It was designed as a military vehicle - because the Soviets thought the shuttle was for military purposes, which has some grain of truth to it. The soviet union imploded during the development of Energia-Buran, however, and killed the project.
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