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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I\'m almost afraid to try making it heavier, so I don\'t break the flight mechanics.
  2. Before 0.13 it was always very stable for me. I dunno how much I can do about it, though. It\'s something harvester needs to do - decouplers should be the strongest part on the rocket!
  3. That\'s kinda the point, they don\'t look TOO distinct. If I were to texture the parts like, say, the Saturn V, EVERYONE would recognize it instantly. The Titan rockets looked relatively generic compared to the recognizable Saturn, and I think that would be advantageous for KSP. Plus, they already look like they\'re made of sheet metal.
  4. I\'m seriously considering retexturing all of the parts in this pack to look like the Titan III and Titan IV rockets:
  5. It\'s nigh-indestructible if you fire it into the water straight down. I hit the seafloor, once.
  6. This thing pretty much kept tumbling around in midair for around 5 minutes, before finally crashing to the ground after I started spinning it really fast.
  7. Why is my name in your avatar :C
  8. No landing gear yet. I\'m waiting for animation. You don\'t need the nosecone once you land, anyway!
  9. Oh god. The legs. Only the back legs are like that, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh
  10. I made a rage face. It\'s based on this, from the BBC MSNBC website:
  11. Release will be at the first chance I get tomorrow morning.
  12. In b4 it backfires and he hates it.
  13. It should be much easier to get into orbit with standard, I know that much Just calculated it, 1.6 weight units. Might be a little light...
  14. There\'s no such thing as 2 much. There IS such a thing as TOO much, though, but I\'d say you\'re in the good zone.
  15. 'That wasn\'t Half-Life 3 we were hinting at, it was Left 4 Dead 3!' And then:
  16. Orbital adjustments and deorbiting, pretty much. The TMI was performed by the booster\'s third stage.
  17. It\'s pretty tricky. I\'d compare it to a bit under learning to land on the mun. Speaking of which:
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