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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Regarding the unmanned control unit not responding to WSAD input - it\'s because it\'s technically not a command pod, so I need to code it in manually.
  2. Friking. Both the name of the vessel, and the exclamation your Kerbals will make when they miscalculate their orbit insertion burn =P
  3. Things are coming together. Hopefully I can release soon! Just need to make a utility module and texture these legs.
  4. I found the monolith back when there was only one to find!
  5. No. He\'s under the Mun\'s surface. Those are boulders.
  6. r4m0n is actually making his own, thousands-of-times-better hinge plugin, so Probodobodyne is going to use that instead.
  7. I am not sure. I seriously can\'t figure it out, it happens to me too.
  8. You can disable the computer and do it yourself, you realize...
  9. Yeah, I\'m skeptical. There needs to be more independent corroboration of this result before a true conclusion can be drawn.
  10. A martian free-return is going to be tricky. Even more so than orbital insertion, probably.
  11. I believe that it is the Inflatable module that is causing this. I might be wrong though, so further testing is required. Huh, I\'ve never seen that in my life. I have nothing in my code referencing mass, though. Try a vanilla + BACE install and see if it happens again.
  12. Well, airbag like physics are possible on paper. In practice? That\'s another story. But can you fit yours in a payload fairing? ;P
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