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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Too bad this image is meaningless since NovaSilisko didn't have the chance to work on planets some more.
  2. We have the ISS Stream, so it's kind of 24/7 entertainment. Except it's not scripted. Probably for the better. The astronauts don't have much free time anyway.
  3. I can read it out loud. Understanding the cyrilics is another thing though.
  4. I agree with the post above me. It's more of a criticism (sometimes harsh, sometimes constructive) rather than hate. People here are actually one of the nicest most inteligent and communities I've encountered. You will never get called names for not knowing something basic. The game development though... It's not that bad actually, but it's been more than 4 years and we still need that dV and TWR readouts to be stock.
  5. Wjolcz

    IL-2: 1946

    Bumping a thread from a month ago is hardly considered necroing. If I'm not mistaken there are servers that support SAS. I think I remember playing on one, but then I had to reinstall the game and all my mods got removed.
  6. Save yourself the struggle and download something that should be stock a long time ago, which is KIS and KAS. ISRU is ridiculously overcomplicated to work with when you lack fuel pipes.
  7. I too have no problem with sending my craft to DoctorDavinci. I watch the battles with pleasure no matter if I win or lose and the more of them the better.
  8. OK, so I hope you understand what I mean here. What I would like to have in my career is the lack of science points. I want experiment-dependent unlocking of parts. Science points aren't that fun to play with. Basically, the science team tells you to go Mach 1 in your rocket powered aircraft. They also say that you should take some experiments with you. Preferably the barometer and the thermometer. You fly away, go sound barrier, perform the experiments and go back with the results. Now your R&D is all happy and tells you to wait a few days. Need some time to analyse all that data. After a few days they come to you and demand on testing this new engine (Whiplash Jet Engine) they've come up with. You go out, test it without crashing and go back. Bam! Now it's in your parts list in the VAB/SPH. And all that thanks to performing those experiments, because all the valuable data helped the scientists to understand the physics and conditions of the supersonic flight. tl;dr: certain experiments under certain conditions unlock you parts that somehow are tied to those conditions of flight AKA the (sorta) real life R&D.
  9. I agree. Seriously, how hard would it be to implement xenon mining? It would balance itself if they just added that feature right. Add atmosphere scoops, make xenon extraction power hungry, possible only on atmospheric bodies (excluding Kerbin, of course) and atmosphere density dependent. That way getting it back from Laythe would require you to have A LOT of solar panels/RTGs on the surface and you can't take off from Eve that easily, so the only profitable colony would be Duna. IMO it's a good alternative if you don't want to grind your way through career. Or just leave us with 'The Contracts O'Random', because they are so much fun.
  10. Would be nice to have. Doesn't seem to be RAM intensive either. Also shadows of other bodies/moons would be great to have.
  11. So... A single seater that has mass below 300kg is not considered an airplane in Europe? Am I reading this right?
  12. I would like to see a player gameplay style influenced missions. Kind of what SPORE tried to achieve but failed miserably. IIRC, you had three paths you could go in the game. Agressive, neutral and friendly? I would like the same thing in KSP, but let's work with what we already have: The Science Path: Perform experiments to research parts, but NOT with science points! They are kind of ridiculous anyway. For example: In order to get better understanding of how atmosphere works and discovering a better atmospheric engine perform more temperature and atmospheric-based experiments (understand how heat and pressure works if you really want them Whiplashes on your planes) The Reputation Path (AKA "The Show-off"): Want funds to research better parts? Then beat some speed records, you daredevil! Also if you could send a Jool probe with a cam on board, just so people can appreciate the beauty of space. Maybe that will make people pay their taxes. We get money, build parts for that and send them to ya. Now go, break that Mach 1 already! The Money Path (AKA my favourite): It's mining time! You get your first 1 million loan from your father and work hard to earn even more. You are in debt now, so better go places, mine precious materials, bring them home and sell them! Would probably need Xenon to be a harvestable resource and contracts nerfing. That way the speeeesplane lovers would keep doing what they love, the science maniacs would actually have two ways to go and president wannabes the Wayland-like space industries could bloom and populate planets and moons with brave kerbal workers eager to mine stuff and send money to their lovely families. You could of course do things from other "paths" but they wouldn't be as profitable. And please don't whiplash me for the obvious joke there. You know which one I am refering to.
  13. YES! Actual crew/station management! You send out two engineers on the space walk, they fly around check and fix stuff while you do other stuff. I like the idea. It would make the stations feel way more alive and independent in a way.
  14. Just looking at it gives me a headache. No wonder I never completed a single wall of the 3D Rubik's cube. I remember seeing a 4D platformer. I think it was on xkcd? Does anyone know what the title of the game was? EDIT: was it this one?: http://miegakure.com/
  15. This and 'The Brain in the Jar' theory are two scariest things I've ever heard of.
  16. How does the science in RO differ from stock science points? Do you unlock parts with the points, with time or by performing experiments associated with them?
  17. Flexible? Maybe not, but any EVA attachable fuel pipe would be great. Also the constrction and repairs. Engineers would have things to do.
  18. Yes. I agree. It's a way better idea than gathering science points. Also better experiments, which by 'better' I mean actual experiments where you have to click stuff and interact with it. Simple widgets (after clicking the 'run experiment' button) with buttons and levers would be great to have. Also with different outcomes. Add this, sprinkle it with that and bam! You just got something new even though you used this experiment in the same biome before!
  19. Dragon V2, because it looks good. If I have to die in space I would at least want to die in something that has style. And about those touch screens: I can imagine that the UI for them is probably simplified and has big on-screen buttons, which would help using them even in gloves. The spacecraft is probably mostly controlled from the ground anyway. Clicking the wrong button would alarm the mission control and prevent them from screwing up the whole mission.
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