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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I look more and more at the suggestions in this thread and start to think almost all rocket parts need refreshing. The rings on fuel tanks really bother me for some reason. They make them look less aerodynamic. I agree with those who say that the style really needs to be unified. EDIT: Have I mentioned my hate for ugliness of 3-man capsule?
  2. I feel like this should be in this thread:
  3. I agree about some sort of inventory system. Additionally the engineers could weld things based on their skill. IVA movement isn't really needed IMO. We already can transfer crew, and inside movement would probably be only RAM-eating eye candy.
  4. To me it was planets. Not that I don't like aero, ISRU and other amazing things, but playing since 0.11 really made me want them. ¡oooÉ¥oooʠ¡ʇsod ɥʇ0001 osןÉÂ
  5. Same. I think that would solve the problem of procedural heat shields, for those who don't really want them.
  6. I used SRBs to land a big, Antonov-like plane on the smaller island runway. It was super easy to setup with KER. Did a flyby as slow as I could, rememberd the numbers and set the SRBs to have the dV of the lowest speed I could achieve while approaching the runway. Fired the boosters, the caps covering them went flying and stopped way before the control tower. Big puff of smoke Taxiing to the hangars
  7. A K class, you say? I would like an overall light system improvement. The ambient light in space kind of bothers me. If we got rid of that, then lights would become actually useful and some performance could be saved. I actually liked what NovaSilisko did in his Alternis Kerbol. It was a bit more red and looked nice, IMO:
  8. Nice. Nothing spectacular, but that's how I like it. Have some rep.
  9. I don't use it either. Don't really like it. For crew transport I always choose the hitchhiker. To me it could stay as a low-tech capsule (Apollo-like) if there was a hi-tech one added (DragonV2-like) later in the tech tree.
  10. I'd like to have Dragon V2-like capsule. With some LF/O, monoprop and engines as a one part. Could be slightly bigger than Mk1-2 pod and have 4 kerbals. E: by bigger I mean higher/longer/more aerodynamic, but still 2.5m radius.
  11. I agree. - - - Updated - - - Same. Would like this in stock, but I can also wait.
  12. What I love about KSP is that it got me interested in space, rocketry and aeronautics. If I could go back in time and leave my younger self a message it would say something like: "Learn those maths and physics equations, because one day you'll discover a great space-sim game that will seriously change your way of thinking."
  13. AFAIK, gravity assists off the Mun aren't entirely worth it, but they can help. I've never done one but the Mun is much like Ike in that it's in everyone's way. Ooooh, so it's possible to do a Tylo assist for a stable Jool orbit. Cool! Was planning to do that with Laythe aerocapture, but wasn't sure of the results. Time to change the plans, I guess. And yes, Mun can help you to get out of the Kerbin SOI, but not necessarily the way you would want. Then you need to make correction burns and all that jazz, so it's not really worth it. Better to make a straight SOI exit burn.
  14. I made my first contract! Woooo! Great mod. Still learning things, but I will make my own contract pack eventually! E: is it possible to spawn vessels with this?
  15. OK, doing it right now. Thanks for help anyway.
  16. Yeah, downloading Contract Configurator was the first thing I did.
  17. I want to make a contract pack and I'm not going to lie: I'm pretty clueless when it comes to modding and coding. Never really tried it as well. What I want to do is create a bunch of contracts about Ore extraction and retrieval. Pretty basic: Mine ore from a planet surface, bring it back and land it on Kerbin (only) for money. I requested this as a mod, but nobody seemed to care, so I assumed it's so simple I can do it myself, though not sure how. E: I'm looking through stock contract files right now and try to figure out how all this works.
  18. I chose the second option, though I think both of them should be a thing. Quick edit: There sure should be a second runway. One that would face North-South, so we could bring winged things back from polar orbits.
  19. Looks like there were two explosions, but not really sure.
  20. And that is why we need surface refuelling pipes.
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