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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. So instead of "Your first!" it becomes more of a "You've come here fast!" type of thing? I don't feel like the world's first should be repurposed that way. I, for example like to explore the solar system at my own pace. Not having rewards for being slow kind of feels like a punishment tbh. I always liked the idea of mission types' progression though. World's first could repurposed as scouting missions. So if you wanted to explore a body you would have a clear progression of: World's Firsts AKA Scouting Missions (get there for the sake of it), then Scientific Missions (get there and gather science) and after that Commercial Missions (get there and get paid for doing so). I don't really like the idea of a competetive space program, simply because there's none. All these capsules with rescue contracts pop out out of nowhere like quantum particles. Not saying it wouldn't be cool to have another agency sending things into space, but that's unlikely to happen.
  2. I suggested a similar thing years ago and I still think it's a good idea.
  3. IMO multiplayer for KSP is not worth the dev time. I'm no one to tell what's worth dev time and what's not, but if it's going to work similarly to DMP then I'm not interested. There are simply too many things in the way. Time paradoxes, the together alone feel to it and terrain detail settings.
  4. What bugs me about the gravioli, thermometer and other reusable experiments is that in order to gather data you have to either click on them or use action groups to collect the data. Is there a mod that keeps them active and gathers and automatically stores the data whenever your vessel enters a new biome? It's really not fun to realize that you made a Moho flyby but totally missed the low orbit science part, because you had to click on everything and send the results back home.
  5. I'd love it to be my thing, but I simply can't enjoy it with the state it is in. I agree, but the problem is some of these "blocks" are so geared together they can't be separated (what @nightingale said about the elements of career), because of their dependencies. In order to have toggle on/toggle off options most of these systems in KSP would have to change.
  6. I mean in the game. Did they introduce it in 1.2? I haven't played it yet.
  7. That's the exact same reason why I never accept these contracts. The objectives of a single contract are all over the place and it's impossible to know who wants what unless it's written down.
  8. Because the science system is dumb, that's why. This wouldn't be a problem if career/science worked in a way that isn't as inane as it is now. But there's a Stockholm syndrome going on and people actually like it, so there's no need to change it. Just keep applying them tweaks.
  9. KIS and KAS have anchors you can place on the surface which would be great to have in stock.
  10. How do turbopumps work? As far as I understand they pump the rocket fuel and oxidizer, but do they use gasoline? They have an exhaust pipe, so I'd assume they do burn some sort of fuel and once it starts pumping the fuel, the rocket engine itself pressure feeds it, or something? And btw, what's the exhaust byproduct of a methane and LOX engine?
  11. I'm pretty sure it's one of the Grand Tour contracts, isn't it? I never do them. Who cares what planet, in what order and how many vessels I use to visit them? I'd rather pick/create few separate missions and complete them however I see suitable
  12. The smoke particles are a bit excessive. For example, the jet engines should have almost no smoke coming out of them. Wouldn't mind having them a bit optimized.
  13. Designing the contracts based on the celestial body of interest would be nice though.
  14. I feel you. I do the same exact thing with Hitchhikers. About the robots though, I think that's the role probe cores should be given. Sending a robot in a command capsule feels like a waste of space, mass and resources. The problem is robots can't do as much as astronauts even in real life, but in KSP they can do even less. We still have no scoop part that collects soil samples. So I think the best way to deal with this problem is to give the player option early on in the career. IMO the tree should split into manned and unmanned branches as soon as possible. Would be fun to throw test dummies all over the place though.
  15. I just want the experiments to gather data as long as they are active. They consume EC anyway.
  16. I would love to create my own contracts and send them to people as challenges.
  17. Any kind of camera/telescope would be great. I think each camera should have a set of filters, so there's not a from-worse-to-better type of progression. Itbwould be more like "OK, so last time we gave you a visible light cam, now take this UV one and take pictures of the sun".
  18. You're probably sick of all of my career suggestions, but I was thinking about it and if career ever gets an overhaul it could work like this: Contracts - Strategies dependent. Strategies become filters (just like in the Strategia mod of yours). If strategies are toggled off the contracts simply keep being random, much like it is now. The current strategies are pretty useless anyway (maybe introduce a currency exchange widget, just so people can play the way it works now). Funds/Science/Reputation - Make them toggable Tech tree - Let the player pick what kind of currency (rep/sci/funds) he/she wants to unlock it with. Science experiments - Again, let the player pick what kind of reward he/she wants for performing them. Is there any case this wouldn't work in?
  19. I very much agree. I'd love to create my own game mode with science points toggled off and progress in the career that way.
  20. What kind of propellant/RCS fuel gives light blue plumes? I just watched a CGI of an ICBM being launched and the last stage's main engine and RCS plumes were blue. Was it exaggerated, or somthing? EDIT: Nitrogen Tetroxide?
  21. Yeah, the atmosphere is pretty thin on Mars, but enough to let spacecraft aerobrake, unlike on Europe. And I'm aware there are other ways of getting captured. I'm curious, what's the actual dV to perform a direct descend on Europa and Mars? EDIT: Nevermind that question. Of course the dV for Mars is higher. I'm a tired dum dum. Need to go to sleep now.
  22. I think the colour scheme is spot on. As long as other parts get the same. Minimalism is the key. Dark grey+light grey/white+orange is a good choice. Just keep it consistent and it will all look great.
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